Korean ceramic art goes back 5000 years, and has recently seen revival by the American Museum of Ceramic Art. The museum.. Read More
"Under The Sea" Played on BOTTLES?!?
Enjoy the unique tunes of the Bottle Boys band, playing "Under the Sea" from The Little Mermaid on their handmade instruments!
This Artist Creates Portraits Out of WHAT?!
Each square on the surface of a Rubik's cube serves as a pixel in Giovanni Contardi's portraits! Watch how he spins them into place using just one hand.
The BEST of Hilariously Inaccurate Medieval Animal Art
The way some Medieval artists drew animals was so utterly inaccurate and funny that we keep laughing at them more than 6 centuries later!
The Story of the Oldest Piano Player in the World
Learn the story of a woman who has been playing piano for over 100 years.
Watch This Melodious Judy Collins Performance from 1976
In this vintage video, singer Judy Collins performs her hit song "Both Sides Now" during a 1976 concert.
Watch This Child Prodigy Play a Sublime Vivaldi
Enjoy this beautiful rendition of Vivaldi's Four Seasons by this incredible prodigy.
15 Tricks Parents Came Up With We'd Like to Share With You
We found some great advice from parents on Reddit, and decided to share with you the best 15!
What Causes Laptop Batteries to Bulge Over Time?
These early warning signs can save your laptop's battery and prevent potentially dangerous situations.
If You Love Reading, Then You're Certainly in For a Treat!
If you're looking for something great to read this winter, then make sure you pick up one of these fantastic novels.
12 World-Famous Sculptures Everyone Should Recognize
In this article, we showcase 12 of the most famous and recognized sculptures in the world starting from the oldest to the most recent.
This Artwork is Strangely Hypnotizing to Look At
Check out the incredible detail in this hypnotizing work of art.
This Man's Miniature Version of Paris Will Blow You Away
Gerard Brion has to be one of the best miniaturists in the entire world. Take a look at his amazing recreation of Paris to see for yourself.
These 3D Paintings Appear to Pop Out Of the Sidewalk!
This has to be the most unique street art you'll ever see. This Russian artist's incredible work appears to come alive out of sidewalks in major cities.
This Live Soprano Aria Performance Will Blow Your Mind!
Take a look at this beautiful and magnificent soprano aria of the famous 'Song of Olympia'.
The Real Faces of Famous Historical Characters
Although people in the movies claim to depict historical characters with lots of accuracy, the reality is often quite different. Here are 10 examples.
What a Musical Extravaganza! A Concert of Sublime Variety
I adore music, all of it. So I couldn't believe my ears when I heard this talented cello duo wow an audience with classical, film, pop and rock music.
This Domino is Like One Huge Rube Goldberg Machine
This domino structure and knockdown is a an art for the ages.
This Watercolor Animal Art Is Expressive and Whimsical
Artist Luqman Reza creates expressive animal paintings using watercolor paint. His artwork is truly stunning.
Cristian Marianciuc Challenges the Definition of Origami
These intricate paper cranes aren't like any other origami you've seen before.
Now THIS is What I Call Sand Sculpting!
15 incredible sand sculptures by Janel Hawkins
Incredible! History's Most Bizarre Unexplained Mysteries
Throughout the history of the world, there have been many great mysteries which have never been solved. Here are 10 of the most intriguing ones.
You Won't Believe What This Guy Does with a Potter's Wheel
Mikhail Sadovnikov transforms his potter's wheel into a canvas of incredible hypnotic designs in real-time.
20 Hilarious Recreations of Famous Paintings
The Getty Museum challenge contiures - 20 more submissions of people recreating their favourite masterpieces at home with hilarious results.
Have You Ever Seen a Card Trick as Good as THIS One?
This magician's card tricks will leave you wondering how he managed to pull them off.
This Stunning Artwork Shows the Charm of Rustic Italy
These beautiful paintings by Italian painter Eugene de Blaas are as elegant as they come
The Most Gorgeous Animal Paintings in History – 16 Pics
Explore the beauty of animals in these amazing paintings from over the years.
Watch Dolly Parton Sing Jolene in A Capella!
When Dolly Parton joined modern a cappella group, The Pentatonix, for a sing song, they recorded this lovely version of the classic ballad, Jolene.
These Colorful Belly Dancers are Beauty in Movement
In this spectacular show, you will meet Fleur Estelle and her team of dancers in a particularly colorful and oriental belly dance performance.
This Performance Took Me Back to a Joyous Time in My Life
Have a listen to this beautiful song...
Did You Know These Famous Artworks Have HIDDEN Messages?
The 7 famous paintings and sculptures we showcase in this article have secret messages waiting to be uncovered!
We Bet You've Never Heard This Musical Instrument Before
Listen to this little known musical instrument called a yaybahar.
This Mongolian Folk Music Sends Shivers Down My Spine
I had never even heard the Mongol language before, much less its traditional throat singing. I have to say the experience is spellbinding.
A Spectacular Celebration of the Changing of Seasons...
The 2015 Chinese New Year celebrations included a breathtaking performance that symbolizes the changing of the seasons.
What It Truly Means To Perform on Disney on Ice
Behind the scenes footage of Disney on Ice and the work of figure skaters
This Artist Puts Her Unique Spin on Old Masters’ Art
Many artists are inspired by Renaissance art, but this Maria Vasilyeva's take on it is truly awe-inspiring.
This Famous Song Sounds Even Better in Acapella!
In this video the popular acapella group Pentatonix give an outstanding performance of John Lennon's famous song "Imagine".
The Most Underrated Christmas Movies You Never Saw
This holiday season, enjoy these underrated Christmas movies.
Discover the Secrets Behind 7 of the Most Famous Paintings
The greatest painters in history have some amazing secrets hidden in their famous works that are fascinating to discover...
20 Modern Sculptures That Prove High Art Is Alive and Well
Here are some of the world's most notable examples of modern sculpture. These awesome designs should be in every city!
12 Artworks by J.M.W. Turner That Are Worth Adoring
Take a look at some of the finest artworks by English painter J.M.W Turner that still look so unique and charming.
Can You See the Faces in These Mind-Bending Paintings?
Portraits by Oleg Shuplyak are special because they are very clever optical illusions. Can you see all the famous figures in these paintings?
Enjoy a Classic Beethoven Piece in 360 Degrees!
Enjoy looking at the different musicians as they create gorgeous music, so you enjoy with both ears and eyes!
In the Right Hands, Rusty Cutlery Can Turn Into ART!
This self-taught artist uses exclusively scrap metal and welds it into detailed and lifelike sculptures of animals and people.
MUSIC BOX: 10 Greatest Waltzes Ever Composed
We’ve gathered our top 10 picks and brought them to you, along with the stories behind them, so you can both enjoy and learn.
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