This old timer didn't see that car coming! Or DID he? This clever prank from Just For Laughs proves once again they are .. Read More
The Hypnotizing Woman - Funny Prank!
!A funny prank video
Help! someone drove off with my dog!
Help! Someone drove off with my dog!
The catastrphoe box - Hilarious prank!
In one of the most original pranks you'll ever see, a box suspiciously grows legs and makes it extremely hard for people carrying it to avoid those oh-so expensive vases...
Classic Comedy: The Grammar Nazi
This comedy sketch begins with a standard business meeting, but the boss has a real problem with people's language...
You Won't Believe What This Little Old Lady Gets Up To!
This hilarious prank involves a sweet old lady pretending to deal drugs in large quantities in a public park...
Funny Nature Facts: Deception in the Forest
What do animals use to fool others in the forest? Today we learn all about it - with humor!
A Simple Workout for Joint Pain and Cardiovascular Health
If you aren't as mobile as you used to be, this video is for you.
The Funniest Signs Seen at Live Sporting Events
Here's a collection of the most hilarious signs that scored big laughs at sporting events.
Jerry Lewis at His Funniest: Best Comedy Scenes
Enjoy some of the best comedy scenes of Jerry Lewis.
Meet Michael Davis: The King of Funny Juggling
Meet Michael Davis, the man who makes you laugh... with his juggling.
I Love Laughing at Clever Cartoons, Don't You?
from religion to family to funny situations, you'll surely find something to raise that smile in these funny cartoons.
These Architects Should Really Rethink Their Career Choice
Somebody messed up big time. You’ll laugh your head off seeing how wrong construction can go with these hilarious photos.
A Special Simon's Cat: The Origins Story!
A very special episode of Simon's Cat
You're Never Too Old To Have Fun! These Seniors Prove It
There may be some seniors who'd rather take life slowly. But others, do not want to waste a second having fun.
Just for Laughs: The Hilarious Magnetic Beer Prank!
Watch this hilarious prank video where a guy supposedly moves a glass of beer through magic!
Comic Fun: Who Knew Snowmen Could Be This Funny?
These comics prove that snowmen can be so hilarious.
These Funnies Just Had Me Giggling for Hours!
Hilarious cartoons and caricatures
Ladies, the Last Laugh Is Reserved Entirely for You!
These simple truths will comfort all you long-suffering women out there...
Simon's Cat Presents: A Day in the Life of a Cat!
This colored episode brings us a day in the life of Simon's Cat. Let's see what that looks like...
Winter Can Be CRAZY Sometimes - 16 Bizarre Pics
These chilly pictures show just how crazy and harsh winter can be.
This Dictionary Has Some Funny New Meanings to Offer Us...
Everything has a real and true meaning, and those belong in a different dictionary, one that will give you clarity and make you laugh
15 Paw-some Dogs Who Owned Halloween This Year
When dogs show us how Halloween costumes are done.
These “Police Officers” Have a Great Sense of Humor
Police officers can have a great sense of humor too, as you will find out in this hilarious compilation.
Excuse Me, Interior Designers? May I Ask... WHY?!?
These terrible interior design mistakes are so bad they're actually hilarious.
The Ultimate List of Funny Christmas Jokes for 2024
These Christmas jokes are all you need for a humor-filled season.
Catch Me If You Can: Brave Monkey Plays with Tigers
This monkey isn't afraid of tigers, and has a great sense of humor
LOL: When Signs Take Themselves Too Seriously...
Aren’t these signs a little too obvious?
You Simply Must See These 15 Hilarious Translation Fails!
Check out these 15 different translation fails which are bound to make you scream with laughter!
The Funny Side of Having Too Much Technology...
It's crazy to think about how most of us have become attached to our cellphones, but there's a funny side to the whole thing. Take a look at these memes.
20 Hilarious Supermarket Mistakes You've Got to Witness!
I used to think shopping was boring, until I started noticing these hilarious mistakes all over the place. Here are 20 of the funniest fails I've seen.
Fun-Loving Grandparents: These Photos Will Make Your Day!
To help crush the negative stereotypes that sometimes surround the elderly, here are 20 fantastic photos of grandparents acting absolutely hilariously!
Time for a Laugh: Comedy in Chalk Form!
Hilarious chalkboard signs with funny messages have been as trend for many a year. Check out these hilarious ones!
15 Hilarious Computer Errors No One Expected
Sometimes, when technology malfunctions, it's too funny not to share it with others
Hilarious: 16 Times People Didn't Pay Attention...
If you ever doubted the fact that knowing English is important, these hilarious mistakes made on public signs will definitely change your mind once and for all!
Take a (Funny) Change of Perspective With These Comics
You look at something, only to soon realize that what you thought you saw was something else entirely. Now, add humor to that equation and you have the work of Shanghai Tango.
The Funniest Outdoor Signs from This Vet Clinic
The Carroll County Veterinary Clinic grabs people’s attention with its hilarious roadside signs
Read Pensioner's Priceless Response After Rejected by Army
A pensioner tries to join the army but gets rejected. He believes that pensioners make better soldiers than 18-year-olds, and his reasons will crack you up!
Do You Need These Weird Toys? No, But They’re Here Anyway
Shopping can be extremely boring, unless you stumble upon one of these ridiculous items on your next trip to the store...
Safety Shmafety: Why Men Live Shorter Lives!
Some people just don’t care about safety.
Hilarious: Only in Dubai...
Dubai is a unique country, and offers some sights you'll probably never seen anywhere else in the world...
20 Hilarious Road Signs You'll Only Ever See in Australia
The land down under has a language of its own as you can see by these signs that are equal parts strange and hysterical
Gosh, These People are Annoying!
While I'm a people person, I DO acknowledge that there are some people that really annoy me on a daily basis...
When Architects Get Weird: Odd Buildings
Whoever made these building projects happen took some extreme creative liberties, ones that are both puzzling, mystifying, and absolutely hilarious!
16 of the FUNNIEST Design Fails You’ll Ever See
It’s hard to believe these designs are real.
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