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13 Statues that Seem to Break Physics

Sculpture is an art form that is far from new, but over the years, many artists have found techniques that help them surprise the world, even in such an ancient field. The following 13 sculptures you will see are a perfect example of this, as they seem to defy the known laws of physics, but in the end, each of them is simply the product of a highly talented artist with a creative mind and extraordinary skill. Look upon these amazing creations and see just how original the human brain can be when it understands the laws of physics that govern the world and adapts to them.

1. "Wonderland", Canada

Sculptures that defy the laws of physics: Wonderland
This sculpture can be best and most impressively seen from the skyscraper "The Bow" in Alberta. It is a statue made of metal strips that form a face when viewed from a certain angle, and it was built by the Spanish sculptor Jaume Plensa.

2. "Karma", USA

Sculptures that defy the laws of physics: Karma
This piece by the artist Do-Ho Suh welcomes visitors at the Albright-Knox Gallery in New York and ignites the imagination within moments. The sculpture towers at an impressive height of 7 meters!

3. "The Last Supper", USA

Sculptures that defy the laws of physics: The Last Supper
This is a sculpture by Albert Szukalski, located in a ghost town called Rhyolite, and it is the artist's version of Leonardo da Vinci's work of the same name. The statue stands against the backdrop of Death Valley National Park, and at night, its figures appear particularly mysterious, with green, deceptive light emanating from them.
Sculptures that defy the laws of physics: The Last Supper at night

4. "Diamonds", Australia

Sculptures that defy the laws of physics: Diamonds
The talented New Zealand artist Neil Dawson created a sculpture that you can't look at without trying to understand how it hovers in the air. This effect is achieved with strong, thin metal wires that are almost imperceptible from a distance.

5. "The Balancing Sculpture", Dubai

Sculptures that defy the laws of physics: The Balancing Sculpture
This wonderful bronze creation seems as if it defies all the laws of physics, and it was created by the Polish artist Jerzy Kedziora. No one understands how the statue doesn't fall, given the strong winds that hit it daily.

6. "Fiddler From the Ground", Netherlands

Sculptures that defy the laws of physics: Monument to the Violinist
In the famous Stopera building in Amsterdam, there is a statue of a violinist that seems to be trying to break through the marble floor. No one knows who the anonymous sculptor behind this creation is.

7. "Porsche Cars at the Festival of Speed", UK

Sculptures that defy the laws of physics: Porsche Cars at the Festival of Speed
The artist behind this creation, where three cars appear to be racing each other towards the sky, is Gerry Judah. The sculpture was placed in front of Goodwood House in West Sussex as part of the Festival of Speed, held there between June and July.

8. "Diminish and Ascend", Australia

Sculptures that defy the laws of physics: Diminish and Ascend
These stairs, which appear to rise all the way to heaven, were built by a sculptor named David McCracken and placed in Sydney. Each step in this staircase is smaller than the one before it, making the sculpture appear to reach an infinite height far beyond the eye can see.

9. "The Inevitable Time", digital art

Sculptures that defy the laws of physics: The Inevitable Time
The Greek sculptor Adam Martinakis created this digital sculpture in the style of Futurist art. The sculpture can only be seen through a computer screen in a digital format, and according to the artist, this is his modern way of expressing and discovering art, not unlike the one we can see and experience in the physical world.

10. "Wrapping", digital art

Sculptures that defy the laws of physics: Wrapping
This sculpture is also a digital creation, made by the artist Chad Knight. It is one piece among a series of sculptures that this talented young man created as a hobby in his spare time.

11. "The Runner", Greece

Sculptures that defy the laws of physics: Greek Runner
No matter which direction you look at it from, this statue gives the stunning illusion of motion, making it seem as though it is a person running, frozen in mid-action. To create this statue, the artist Costas Varotsos used thousands of pieces of dark green glass.

12. "Features of Gravity for the Elephant", France

Sculptures that defy the laws of physics: Gravity's Properties on an Elephant
This sculpture by Daniel Firman was placed at the Château de Fontainebleau and was dedicated to the theory that an elephant can balance itself on its trunk at an altitude of 18,000 kilometers above sea level.

13. "Ali and Nino", Georgia

Sculptures that defy the laws of physics: Ali and Nino
This dynamic statue by Tamara Kvesitadze was created to convey a love story between two figures. The people forming the sculpture are in constant motion, and with each rotation, they unite and separate again.
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