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Who Wouldn't Want to Visit the Ashikaga Flower Park

The Japanese love flowers and wisteria are among their favorites. Wisteria (known as fuji in Japan) is said to be one of the archipelago's most ancient noted flowering trees, even being described in the collected poems of the Man'yoshu (Collection of Ten Thousand Leaves). One of the best places to view fuji exotic flowers is at the Ashikaga Flower Park in Ashikaga City, Tochigi Prefecture. 
Flowers - Garden - Japan

Ashikaga Flower Park features lots of blue, white and pink wisteria, as well as yellow laburnum (Japanese: kingusari) that resemble yellow wisteria. The park contains three massive wisteria trellises that extend for more than 1000 square meters. One of the trees is 100 years old and its branches create a huge umbrella of blue wisteria flowers.  

Flowers - Garden - Japan

 There is also an 80-meter tunnel of white wisteria flowers, while a tunnel of yellow laburnum still needs a couple more years to develop into a tunnel. Yae-fuji, a variety with more than the usual number of petals, can also be seen.  

Flowers - Garden - Japan

Besides the wisteria, you will find many other flowers, restaurants and a shop that sells plants and local products. There are no English descriptions and very few foreign visitors. The entrance fee depends on the season's beauty and is around 1000 Yen per adult during the wisteria peak season. 

Flowers - Garden - Japan

The wisteria in Ashikaga Flower Park are usually in full bloom at the beginning of May, one to two weeks later than those found at Tokyo. Because Ashikaga Flower Park is considered one of the best spots to view fuji flowers in Japan, the park can get very crowded even on weekdays during the peak season. 

Flowers - Garden - Japan
Flowers - Garden - Japan
Flowers - Garden - Japan
Flowers - Garden - Japan
Flowers - Garden - Japan
Flowers - Garden - Japan
Flowers - Garden - Japan


Flowers - Garden - Japan
Flowers - Garden - Japan
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