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A Visit to Trier - The Old City of Germany

In Germany, the largest of the vast countries on the European continent, there are quite a few of large and famous cities, such as Berlin, Munich, Hamburg, Frankfurt and more, but none of these respectable cities can steal the crown and title of "the first city in the country" from the small, picturesque, and charming town, which sits in western Germany, called "Trier".

Augusta Treverorum (its Latin name) was founded in the first century BC as the pioneer of German cities and was the first to be established not as a small settlement or a military camp but as an urban area for all intents and purposes. A trip to Trier is no small matter since it incorporates such a long history which you won’t find anywhere else in Germany, and we welcome you to travel to it through the following photo collection, which will probably make you want to visit this wonderful place in person.

The first and most famous site in Trier is the "Porta Nigra" (the "Black Gate"), which is the most preserved historic Roman gate in the geographical area north of the Alps. Built from sandstone during the years 186-200 and used as one of the city's four gates, this architectural structure survived only thanks to a Greek monk who lived in its boundaries and turned the area into a place of worship that included a church and monastery built alongside it.

Other remains from the Roman days in the Old City include three bathhouses, where the members of the empire used to spend their time: the Kaisertermans, the Barbara Baths and the Bathhouse in the cattle market, where one can explore the traditional Roman architecture and design.


In addition, you can also visit the city's massive amphitheater, which used to be the arena for fights between gladiators and lions.


The Cathedral of Trier is another of the oldest and most important points of interest in this city, dating back to the time of the Roman Empire during the 3rd Century CE, and was ordered to be built by the great Emperor Constantius. Not only is the magnificent architecture of the place attractive to many visitors, but it is also of great importance to Christians from all over the world since the "holy robe" - the item of clothing that some believe Jesus wore during his crucifixion - is kept inside it. Only once every few decades does the robe get taken out and displayed, and when it happens, tens of thousands of people flock to the area.


In Trier, almost everything is ancient history, and almost every site you see here is considered to be the most ancient in the entire geographical area. The same is true of the "Roman Bridge" shown in the following pictures, which was built over the Moselle River that crosses the city, and is the oldest bridge still standing and used throughout the area north of the Alps.


Even behind what seems new and modern, are priceless historical sites. For example, do not let the modern look of this glass office building fool you! It is indeed a product of our time, but in excavations that were carried out beneath it, remains from the merry Roman days were found. Now, this archaeological site is open to the public.

This is not the end - ancient Trier is filled with other fascinating sites, churches, ancient monasteries, and underground remains hiding in the city. It was even the home of the philosopher and sociologist, Karl Marx, who was born and raised here. Because of all of this and much more, when you are traveling in Germany you should not miss a fascinating visit to the first pioneer city of the country.
image source: ImgurJohnny Chicago 
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