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The Past and Present Collide in 24 Stunning Photos

Time has a surreal way of quietly transforming the world around us. It reshapes landscapes, alters cities, and leaves its mark on people and cultures. These shifts are often subtle, almost imperceptible day-to-day. Yet, when we look back, the differences can be startling.

Here are 24 incredibly rare "before and after" historical photos that offer a glimpse into these dramatic transformations.

Related: Then & Now: When Past Collides With the Present

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1. The Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC in 1907...


 Before-And-After Pics

2. And the Lincoln Memorial 100 years later

 Before-And-After Pics

3. Hong Kong circa 1920...

 Before-And-After Pics

4. And Hong Kong today

 Before-And-After Pics

5. The New York City skyline in 1931...

 Before-And-After Pics

6. And the New York City skyline today

 Before-And-After Pics

7. The great promenade deck of the Titanic in 1912...

 Before-And-After Pics

8. And the same deck on the Titanic today

 Before-And-After Pics

9. The "back" of the Hoover Dam before the dam being flooded with water...

 Before-And-After Pics

10. And the same side of the Hoover Dam today

 Before-And-After Pics

11. Tokyo in March of 1945...

 Before-And-After Pics

12. And Tokyo today

 Before-And-After Pics

13. Mount Rushmore before the presidential heads were carved into it...

 Before-And-After Pics

14. And Mount Rushmore today

 Before-And-After Pics

15. The Berlin Wall in 1969...

 Before-And-After Pics

16. And the same section of the Berlin Wall today

 Before-And-After Pics

17. Machu Pichu before any restoration...

 Before-And-After Pics

18. And Machu Picchu today

 Before-And-After Pics

19. This is the Times Building, the center of New York's Times Square, under construction in 1903...

 Before-And-After Pics

20. And that same area over a hundred years later

 Before-And-After Pics

21. The city of Seattle in 1907...

 Before-And-After Pics

22. And the city of Seattle today

 Before-And-After Pics

23. The Hollywood sign when it was first put up...

 Before-And-After Pics

24. And the Hollywood sign today

 Before-And-After Pics
All images: Izismile
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