Believe it or not, there are some places in the world that you most definitely, are not allowed to visit. And after reading the facts below, some, you most certainly won't want to. In fact, these 10 destinations are shrouded in so much mystery, very little is known about them - from a volcanic island off the southern coast of Iceland, to a metro station in Russia, this list delves into 10 of the most secretive spots in the world. |
10. Surtsey |
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This volcanic island located off the southern coast of Iceland was formed in a volcanic eruption that began in 1963 and ended in 1967. Apart from a few scientists, no humans are allowed on the island. One of the reasons why this is so, is to allow for natural ecological succession to take place without outside interference. |
9. Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center |
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This civilian command facility in Virginia US, is a major relocation site for the highest level of civilian and military officials in case of national disaster. The facility plays a major role in US continuity of government. |
8. Mezhgorye |
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This town, located in the Republic of Bashkortostan in Russia is closed to the public. It has been reported that people living in the town supposedly work on highly-classified secret projects around Mount Yamantaw, which has been suspected to be the location of a nuclear program, a repository of Russian treasures, as well as a bunker in case of a war and a huge warehouse of coal - but nobody really knows its true purpose. |
7. Metro-2 |
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This secret, underground metro system which parallels the public Moscow Metro, was built by Joseph Stalin and was given the code name D-6. It is supposedly still in operation by the Russian Ministry of Defense. Metro-2 is also rumored to exceed the length of the public Metro and is said to connect the Kremlin with the Federal Security Service headquarters, among other locations of national importance. The Metro administration refuses to confirm or deny its existence to this very day. |
6. North Sentinel Island |
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Located in the Bay of Bengal, North Sentinel island is one of the Andaman Islands, where a group of indigenous people, the Sentinelese, live. Their population is estimated to be between 50 to 400 individuals and they reject any contact with other people. The Sentinelese are among the last people on earth to remain virtually untouched by modern civilization. While recent attempts to contact the tribe have been made, they were not well received, and tribesmen used arrows and stones to block visitors from entering the island. |
5. Vatican Secret Archives |
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Until 1881, the Vatican Secret Archives were closed to outsiders, then Pope Leo XII opened them to selected people. The archives are not so much of a secret nowadays as thousands of researchers examine its documents each year. Nevertheless, given that the archives contain 52 miles of shelving, some have suggested that dark secrets from the past could be lurking, waiting to be discovered. Some documents in the archive include Henry VIII of England's request for a marriage annulment, and letters from Michelangelo complaining about late payment for his work. |
4. Snake Island |
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Located 90 miles from the city of Sao Paulo lies Snake Island - otherwise known as Ilha de Queimada Grande. The island, filled with venomous serpents has been called one of the world's deadliest places. Scientists estimate that the 110-acre island hosts up to 4,000 snakes (that's one snake for every six square yards). Queimada Grande is home to the Golden Lancehead, one of the most venomous vipers in the world - its venom is reported to be three to five times stronger than that of any mainland snake. Currently, the Brazilian Navy bans civilians from the island, though scientists do at times receive waivers. |
3. Room 39 |
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For the most part, North Korea is shrouded in mystery, but Room 39 is a secretive North Korean government facility home to several illegal operations, including counterfeiting $100 bills, production of drugs ( including methamphetamine and heroine) and international insurance fraud. It has been suggested that Room 39 is critical to Kim Jong Un's continued power, enabling him to buy political support and fund North Korea's nuclear weapons program. |
2. RAF Menwith Hill |
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Located in North Yorkshire, England, RAF Menwith Hill is a Royal Air Force station, that provides communications and intelligence support services to the UK and the US military. Some of the satellites are controlled directly by the American NSA. It is also thought to be the largest electronic monitoring station in the world, originally set up to intercept messages between the Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc Allies. But, it is now believed that its original scope has widened... |
1. Area 51 |
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Renowned for being highly secretive, Area 51 situated in Nevada, is commonly thought to be used to develop and test experimental aircraft and weapons systems. Many conspiracy theorists, however, believe that the area houses UFOs. Whatever the situation may be, as no civilians are allowed beyond its gates, we will never know. |
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