When it comes to saving money, reducing waste, and being healthy, buying a stainless steel water bottle is definitely an important step that you should take.
If you usually purchase bottled water, switching to a reusable water bottle and using water filters will save you a load of money, up to $200 a month depending on your current buying habits. It also means you’ll be drinking safer water, since bottled water is not required to meet the same standards as municipal water, meaning you can never be 100% sure what you’re getting.
Furthermore, it means far less waste: 30 billion plastic water bottles are thrown away yearly – it takes 1.5 million barrels of oil to produce all that plastic, and it takes around 1,000 years for those bottles to decompose. To add to this, decomposing plastics contain harmful chemicals that have been linked to cancers, diabetes, reproductive issues, and neurological damage. Consuming these is bad enough, but distributing them into the Earth in the form of 30 billion plastic water bottles a year is scary.
Choosing the Best Stainless Steel Water Bottles
For starters, you’re going to need more than one. You’ll need one for every member of the household, then a couple more for hiking trips, guests, and replacements. These reusable water bottles will cost more to begin with, but they pay for themselves very quickly.
However, you might look at the price of a stainless steel bottle compared to a reusable plastic bottle and be tempted to go for the cheaper plastic option. Let’s take a quick look at why that’s not a good idea:
• Stainless steel lasts longer: Reusable plastic wears out quickly. It cracks and scratches easily and is prone to heat damage. As soon as plastic starts to show any signs of wear, it’s no longer safe to use. Steel, on the other hand, is durable and doesn’t wear down over time, making it a great way to save money.
• Stainless steel is healthier: The chemicals found in plastics are leached all the time, especially when left in warm environments for long periods of time. Stainless steel doesn’t leak any chemicals.
However, just because the bottle is metal, it doesn’t mean that it’s stainless steel. Many water bottles are actually aluminum, which has been linked to diseases such as Alzheimer’s. As you’re not supposed to use aluminum in food grade products, they must come with a plastic liner, which can contain harmful chemicals.
Stainless steel bottles need no liner to keep you safe, so keep an eye out for smooth metal inside your bottle.
Quality stainless steel water bottles also list the material used on the bottle. Keep an eye out for #304 or 18/8 food grade stainless steel. Leave everything else on the shelf.
Caring for and Cleaning Stainless Steel
Keep your bottle out of the heat (such as a hot vehicle) since it may cause the bottle to go out of shape. Also, never add hot liquids to your stainless steel bottle unless you have an insulated one, otherwise the metal will get too hot to hold.
The best way to clean your bottle is with warm, soapy water, and a soft bottle brush as often as needed.
Source: sustainablebabysteps
Images: depositphotos
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