Did you guess them all? Check out the answers below:
1. Counterclockwise clock.
2. Day and night on both sides.
3. No year in calendar.
4. Calendar week starts from Wednesday.
5. June does not have 31 days.
6. Sink and pantry in parlour.
7. Books in pantry.
8. Books and chemicals/drinks of some sort together.
9. Brooms in a refrigerator.
10. Refrigerator has got a key.
11. Door of the pantry is inward.
12. No handles to open the rest of the cupboard doors.
13. Armchair missing wheels.
14. Man's trouser leg turned up.
15. Man wears a shoe and a slipper.
16. Woman's sleeves are different.
17. Woman wears smart shoes for house chores.
18. Woman wears stockings.
19. A floor polisher is useless here.
20. The polisher is not connected to electricity.
21. Carrots grow in the soil.
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