When we spend prolonged periods of time lying on our stomachs while engaged in activities like reading a book, using a laptop, or using a smartphone, we tend to contort our spine into an unnatural position, which can be harmful. The spine is responsible for safeguarding the nervous system and enabling it to manage and coordinate all the organs that contribute to the body's proper functioning. Therefore, when we put our spine at risk by assuming such hazardous positions, we can actually harm its well-being and, as a result, hinder the regular and ordinary operation of the nervous system.
During leisure time, when we lie on our stomachs, we tend to stretch our necks, elevate our shoulders towards our ears, and use our hands and elbows in awkward positions while putting pressure on our pelvis. This sequence of actions can cause significant strain on the muscles that support our back, leading to future damage and worsening existing damage. A study by Temple University's Department of Public Health in the United States found that people who use their laptops while lying on their stomachs or in other lying positions experience more severe pain and greater damage to the neck and back than those who use them while sitting in front of a desk. Therefore, if you have lower back pain, it is recommended to limit the time you spend lying on your stomach and try yoga or stretches for pain relief.
In a 2018 study that involved 365 participants, it was found that chronic lower back pain caused by lying on the stomach during leisure time may be associated with digestive problems such as constipation. However, a previous study from four years earlier that included only 140 participants did not provide conclusive evidence regarding this relationship. Thus, more research is necessary to substantiate this claim. Nonetheless, it is important to consider that the recent study with a larger sample size found a connection between lying on the stomach, lower back pain, and digestive issues. Additionally, the original text does not mention anything about how lying on the stomach affects breathing.
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