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Unlock Culinary Secrets with These 14 Informative Charts

Food and cooking are complex subjects with a wealth of information to explore. From the history of different cuisines to the science behind cooking techniques, there's a lot to learn. And sometimes, a visual representation can make all the difference in understanding these concepts. That's why charts are such a valuable tool in the culinary world as they offer a concise and easily digestible way to learn about various aspects of food and cooking. Here are 14 cool and useful kitchen charts that are truly worth saving. 
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1. A guide to sushi-eating etiquette 

Useful Charts To Learn More About Food And Cooking
Image source: Izismile

2. Your guide to steak doneness

Useful Charts To Learn More About Food And Cooking
Image source: Izismile

3. Know your onions

Useful Charts To Learn More About Food And Cooking
Image source: Izismile

4. Which ones do you love the most?

Useful Charts To Learn More About Food And Cooking
Image source: Izismile

5. This chart tells you which tea to drink in every situation

Useful Charts To Learn More About Food And Cooking
Image source: Izismile

6. The trick for measuring out rice and water

Useful Charts To Learn More About Food And Cooking
Image source: Izismile

7. Here's how to know what state your milk is from

Useful Charts To Learn More About Food And Cooking
Image source: Izismile

8. This chart shows you where common foods are grown in the United States

Useful Charts To Learn More About Food And Cooking
Image source: Izismile

9. Anyone interested?

Useful Charts To Learn More About Food And Cooking
Image source: Izismile

10. What 1500 calories look like at the most famous fast food restaurants

Useful Charts To Learn More About Food And Cooking
Image source: Izismile

11. A cool guide to spoons 

Useful Charts To Learn More About Food And Cooking
Image source: Izismile

12. So useful...

Image source: Reddit

13. Salmon cuts guide

Image source: Reddit

14. Potato guide for beginners

Image source: Reddit
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