It's time for some hardcore action shots! Weapons shot, bodies hanging between life and death, vehicles suspended midjump - you'll find all that and more heart throbbing action shots here! |
Submitted by user: Rob F.
How Does a Truck Explode 40 Times?
Not for the feint of heart, this rare video of a gas truck accident in Russia is action packed with no less than 40 explosions!
Adrenaline Rush: Incredible Action Clip!
This one is for all you action-loving guys out there - check out this amazing video clip that has come action sequences that are so good, they put to shame some major blockbusting action movies, all from the viewpoint of one man.
These 12 Beautiful Cars Are Literally One of a Kind
There are only one each of these beautiful, classic cars.
10 Magicians Whose Performances Were Mind-Bending
Marvel at these incredibly amazing magical performances that literally stunned the judges and the audience.
The Amazing Abilities of Taekwondo Masters!
See a truly awesome demonstration of the abilities of advanced martial artists...
Read This to Deal With That Terrible Smell In Your Fridge!
If there's a bad odor in your refrigerator, then this guide will show you exactly how to get rid of it quickly and easily.
12 Surprising Ways to Use Your Box Grater
Did you know your box grater had such unique uses?
A Chef’s Secret to Cooking Potatoes In Half the Time
Potatoes are the ultimate side dish, but they can take quite a long time to cook. This trick will cut the cooking time by half.
Borax Has So Many Uses! Here Are 26 of My Favorite
Did you know about these intriguing uses for Borax?
Is Expensive Wine Really Better Than The Cheaper Variety?
Does price have to do anything with how tasty a bottle of wine really is? Find out in this video, we were surprised to hear the answer.
Find Out the 8 "Fake" Foods You Unknowingly Eat Regularly
The coffee and tea you drink, the cheeses you eat and the oil you use may be fake, but now you can recognize whether what you're buying is quality or not.
Bring Stale Bread Back to Life with This Genius Trick
If you ever have a crusty loaf that has gone stale, follow these tips and it will be as good as new in next to no time.
Stop Wasting Avocados By Learning This Simple Trick
This excellent video will show you the simple way of freezing the quick-decaying avocados so you can enjoy them later.
There's a Trick to Understanding French...
Here's how you can understand French words easily...
10 Great Tips That Will Really Decrease Your Monthly Bills
Electricity prices continue to rise and our utility bills are starting to get pretty ugly. Here's how you can save o your monthly energy bills.
7 AARP Benefits Every Senior Should Take Advantage Of
Have an AAARP membership? You may not know of these little-known benefits.
16 Unique Uses For Coconut Oil Outside the Kitchen
There's more to coconut oil than its incredible health benefits. Here are 16 fantastic ways that it can be used outside the kitchen.
This Guy Bought a Box of 50-Year-Old Kitchen Tools...
Let's have a look with Dave as he tries these 50-year-old kitchen tools, are they still impressive?
Plagued By Liver Spots? Here Are 9 Ways to Get Rid of Them
Skin spots are a reality for many of us and can often be a nuisance. But, fortunately, they can be lightened with these 9 natural ingredients.
8 Surprising Ways Vinegar Can Help With Pet Care
From being a natural flea remedy to cleaning the aquarium, vinegar proves to be an excellent option for taking care of your pets.
Choose the Healthiest Breakfast Cereal With These Tips
Choose the healthiest breakfast cereal with these tips.
If You Own a Cat, Avoid These 8 Common Mistakes!
Most cat owners do their utmost to take care of their feline companions, but we all make mistakes. Here are 8 mistakes cat owners must stop making!
8 Foods That Make You Feel Full and Satisfied
The following 8 foods will help keep you feeling full for longer.
Chef's Tips: Chop Your Veggies Quickly Like a Pro
If you want to save yourself some time in the kitchen, follow these fantastic veggie chopping tips from the experts!
25 Questions You Should Never Ask People Over 50
It is impolite to ask these 25 questions to people over 50 years old.
14 Psychological Tricks You Have to Try Today!
How about getting people to agree with you? Kid won't eat their greens? These 14 psychological tricks will get people to do what you want.
Four Ways to Tie Your Shoes for Foot Pain Relief
This helpful guide will teach you how to tie your laces based on the specific issue you're experiencing.
This Mindfulness Trick Will Allow You to Sleep Easy
Meet mindfulness meditation, which will enable you to achieve a restful sleep through guided imagery, giving you the energy for the next day.
Don't Throw Out Produce - Make a Gourmet Meal Instead!
Save yourself from having to throw away food, save money, and discover some palatable dishes along the way.
Avoid These Common Thanksgiving Turkey Mistakes This Year
Cooking a turkey this Thanksgiving ? Don’t make these mistakes!
SHOCKING! Con Artists Reveal Their Psychological Tricks...
This video highlights some of the most convincing psychological tactics that scammers make use of, and will help prevent you from falling for them.
9 Surprising Uses for a Grill Brush Beyond the Grill
The grill brush isn’t just for cleaning your grill; it has many handy uses in your home.
This is Why Paper Towels Are an Invaluable Necessity
If you're only using your paper towels to mop up the occasional kitchen accident, you're sure missing out. Here are 6 other uses for paper towels.
How to Pack Light and Travel Effortlessly: 11 Tips
Master the art of packing light with these tips.
Get Rid of Excessive Ear Wax with These Easy Home Remedies
Earwax is important for protecting our ear canals, however if our body produces too much of it, it can become a problem. Here are some home remedies.
Fix Any Fence Problem With These 10 Video Tutorials!
10 video tutorials that'll cover most fence DIY issues, from fixing various issues to installation and painting.
These Powerful Questions Can Lead You to a Happy Life
Harness the power of questions to transform your life for the better!
13 Cool Charts That Impart Practical Knowledge
Here are some useful charts, graphs, and infographics that provide some practical information.
Heed These Great Tips as They Might Save You One Day
Here are 7 simple tips that we should all know, because they may just save us some day.
These Remedies That Get Rid of Facial Hair Actually Work
Got excess facial hair? Here are 7 natural remedies to remove it.
Guide: 11 Ways to Defend Yourself in an Emergency
The basic self defence tips all women should know.
9 Subtle Restaurant Tricks That Empty Your Wallet Faster
Restaurants are using these sneaky tricks to make you spend more!
12 Great Advantages of Being Bald
You thought hair loss and going bald was a BAD thing? Well, think again, as we go over everything that's great about being bald!
Apple Cider Vinegar Is Far More Versatile Than You Imagine
Apple cider vinegar is gaining a reputation around the world for its incredible versatility. Find out 13 great ways you can use this miracle liquid.
Body Language Guide: 17 Mistakes We All Make
We give ourselves away all the time. Learn the common body language mistakes we all do so you can protect your inner thoughts.
10 Surprising Facts About Your Brain You May Not Know
Introducing 10 surprising facts about how your brain works and how it influences your life for better or worse.