What is motion sickness?
Motion sickness causes nausea and dizziness, and in severe cases, vomiting and other annoying symptoms when being in a moving vehicle, whether it's a car, plane, boat, or roller coaster. Motion sickness begins as soon as the vehicle is in motion and stops when it halts, although some symptoms may persist for a few minutes after stopping.
If we dive a bit deeper and try to explain the essence of motion sickness and why it affects us, it can be said that it occurs when there is a seemingly contradictory state in the body in terms of sensory input. For example, if you're sitting in the back seat of a car, the parts of the inner ear responsible for balance sense movement, but this isn't necessarily captured by your vision when you're looking at a seat or a tablet screen in front of you. This lack of coordination between the two senses causes motion sickness due to the strange effect on the balance system.
Recently, a reverse situation has developed among certain people, where they experience what is called "digital motion sickness." In such a case, while staring at a smartphone, tablet, TV screen, or movie screen without being in a moving vehicle, the eyes experience movement while the inner ear has no evidence of it. This situation also causes nausea and other unpleasant symptoms.

6 Natural Remedies for Treating Motion Sickness
1. Eat Ginger
In addition to helping prevent infections, protecting the body from various types of cancer, and reducing cholesterol and the risk of strokes or heart diseases, ginger is also particularly effective in preventing motion sickness. Using ginger has been found to be especially effective even for those who suffer from nausea during a roller coaster ride. To ensure its effectiveness, it's recommended to take 250 mg ginger capsules three times a day before traveling. If such capsules aren't available, you can also eat candied or pickled ginger.
2. Consume Mint
It's no wonder mint tea is recommended when experiencing nausea – these green leaves help reduce nausea symptoms regardless of the cause. Drink mint tea before or during the journey, or take 2-3 mint capsules daily while traveling.
3. Consume Vitamin B6
A few days before the planned trip, flight, or cruise, make sure to consume at least 100 mg of Vitamin B6 twice a day. You can enhance its effect by eating foods rich in Vitamin B6, such as certain cereals, sprouted wheat grains, Swiss chard, cabbage, bananas, wheat bran, salmon, and beef. If you still feel nauseous during the trip or flight, it's recommended to snack on pistachios, walnuts, or sunflower seeds, which are rich in this vitamin.

4. Smell Essential Oils
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the U.S., sensory stimulation can distract you from the motion, thereby reducing or even preventing symptoms of motion sickness. It is highly recommended to choose essential oils of mint or lavender, which have been found particularly effective for treating motion sickness.
5. Eat Licorice Root
According to a study published in 2012, consuming licorice has been found effective in reducing symptoms common among those suffering from motion sickness, especially digestive issues such as nausea and vomiting. It's recommended to consume licorice in the form of chewable tablets rather than as candy, and to do so during the trip as soon as you start feeling nauseous.
6. Drink Chamomile Tea
If motion sickness symptoms have already appeared and you don't want to continue suffering throughout the journey, a small sip of chamomile tea can eliminate them instantly and help reduce the feeling of nausea. You can prepare chamomile tea before the journey and even drink it cold after long hours in a thermos – it doesn't matter, as long as you consume the beneficial compounds in the plant.

7 Tips for Preventing Motion Sickness
Even without using the natural remedies mentioned or in addition to them, you can also try the following 7 tips to prevent motion sickness. While they may not work for everyone, if they do work for you, you can feel calm and confident before your next journey, sailing trip, or flight:
1. When riding in a car or on a ship, try looking far into the horizon. If you can't do so while sitting in the back seat of a car, such as during a bus ride, prefer to sit in the front and look toward the horizon.
2. In a car or plane, direct the air conditioning vents towards you, preferably with cool air. In a car, you can of course simply open a window, which may also help. On a ship, prefer staying outside in the open air.
3. If you can't feel a refreshing breeze, bring a pocket fan and use it when you feel nauseous.
4. If you're on a ship, sitting on the floor or moving to a lower deck are effective ways to reduce the severity of the symptoms.
5. Avoid reading a book or using a smartphone during the trip – you likely already know this causes motion sickness, but it's important to know that for many, this is the main trigger for the nausea experienced during a flight or journey.
6. Eat a light meal before boarding a plane or ship, and avoid fatty or overly spicy foods two days before.
7. If you experience digital motion sickness, stop watching the screen in front of you and look at something stationary and unmoving about 3-4 meters away from you, and the nausea will disappear within moments.