How do you decide when to clean certain items? It’s easy to know when to do your laundry, but how do you know when it’s time to clean your oven or the windows? The infographic below might make you feel a tiny bit unsanitary, but don’t worry, most of us aren’t adhering to these guidelines anyway.
For example, who knew that you could vacuum a mattress, let alone that you should be doing it once every six months? There is some good news for the lazy, too: your jeans only need to be washed every four to five wears, so don’t feel too bad about leaving them in a heap on the floor.
Some of the targets below might seem completely unrealistic, but it all depends on your lifestyle. If you avoid cleaning simply because you’re not very good at it, the guide below will turn you into a mean, clean laundry machine.
Source: dailyinfographic
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