Calm breathing is a technique that many people have found to be life-saving in stressful situations. Although stress can help us focus better at times, too much of it is likely to make us feel faint, unwell, or even hyperventilate. This is harmful to our health, in turn making it more difficult for us to concentrate on our important tasks. This breathing exercise will only take a few minutes of your time - watch the video below to learn how to do it!
An EASY Step-By-Step Guide to Self-Pop Your Whole Back
Try this safe technique to get instant relief from back pain.
We Bet You Didn't Know Bleach Had This Many Different Uses
Bleach is often used to whiten fabrics, disinfect toilets, and clean tiles. However, as you're about to see, bleach has many other alternative uses.
This is Why Paper Towels Are an Invaluable Necessity
If you're only using your paper towels to mop up the occasional kitchen accident, you're sure missing out. Here are 6 other uses for paper towels.
Doctors Explain: 2 Powerful Tools in Dealing With Anxiety
A renowned doctor equips you with not one, but two phenomenal tools to effectively manage and control your stress.
WARNING: How to Avoid Harmful Cell Phone Radiation
No one knows how damaging cell phone radiation actually is, but to be on the safe side, here are 14 ways you can reduce your exposure to radiation.
Moving Home? Follow These Tips to Avoid Unnecessary Stress
These 6 great tips will help you make moving home a pleasant and stress-free experience for everyone involved.
How to Grow Store-Bought Ginger at Home in a Pot
It turns out that it's quite easy to turn one ginger root you bought at the store into a never-ending supply of ginger goodness! Learn how to do it here
This Guy Found a Tip Book from the 60s, And It's Genius!
It turns out lifehacks aren't only a thing of the present, the 60's had their own book of tips and tricks to make life easier, and here are 8 of the best!
7 Items You Might Be Disinfecting the Wrong Way
With the Covid-19 outbreak, disinfecting has become a daily necessity. But some items can be damaged by the chemicals & need a gentler approach
8 Surprising Ways Vinegar Can Help With Pet Care
From being a natural flea remedy to cleaning the aquarium, vinegar proves to be an excellent option for taking care of your pets.
12 Fruit and Vegetables That are Dangerous to Consume
Which fruit and vegetables have the most pesticides on them? Find out here!
Plagued By Liver Spots? Here Are 9 Ways to Get Rid of Them
Skin spots are a reality for many of us and can often be a nuisance. But, fortunately, they can be lightened with these 9 natural ingredients.
Cleaning With Baking Soda Can Really Damage These Surfaces
Even baking soda isn’t universal, and using it to clean certain surfaces, like wood, marble, and glass, can damage them...
I Unclogged My Bathtub Drain In 5 Minutes With This Clip
As disgusting as it may be, we sometimes need to deal with of a clogged drain. Learn how to unclog your bathtub drain in just minutes with this clip.
Read These Tips and Banish Your Self-Doubt for Good!
There are small things that we can do to help conquer self-doubt and this infograph reveals all.
What 1939 Thought of Fashion Today!
hilarious short video from 1939 that dares to dream about the year of 2000 AD....
Maintain Your Brain: 15 Methods to Improve Brain Function
Like our muscles, the brain can also be strengthened and maintained in excellent condition, with proper practice. Learn 15 simple ways to train your brain today!
DIY: Make Your Own Face Mask in a Few Easy Steps
To get around the shortage, you can make your own DIY surgical face mask. It can be easily done even if you're can't or don't want to sew.
STOP, FLY! How to Create a No-Fly Environment!
If you want to rid your home of fruit flies, then this is all you need. These methods are all-natural and will not be harmful to you or your loved ones.
Dog Behavior 101: How Dogs Show They’re Upset
Your dog may be mad at you and may not even know it!
The Ultimate Summer Life Hacks Explained
Dive into these essential hacks to elevate your summer experience!
These 2 Solutions Will Help You Say Goodbye to Plaque!
If you have some plaque on your teeth that you need to get rid of, we recommend that you try out this brilliant home remedy!
These Hidden Airplane Features Can Save Your Life!
The next time you board a flight, make sure you remember these tips.
6 Simple and Important Flexibility Exercises for Seniors
Regain flexibility after 60 with these easy exercises.
This Mindfulness Trick Will Allow You to Sleep Easy
Meet mindfulness meditation, which will enable you to achieve a restful sleep through guided imagery, giving you the energy for the next day.
50 Culinary Tips That'll Make You a Kitchen Master!
50 great little culinary tips and tricks you can print and hang in the kitchen!
9 Ingenious Q-Tip Hacks for Surprising Daily Uses
We bet you never thought cotton swabs could be so handy around the house!
The Dirtiest Places In Your Home Will Surprise You
Bacteria can proliferate ad infinitum in the most unexpected places in the home. Forget the toilet, here's the low-down on the dirtiest things in your home.
WD-40: Here Are 12 Fantastic Uses You Never Thought Of
This is why you always need to keep a can of WD-40 on your property!
Tips That Prove Aluminum Foil Isn't Just for the Kitchen!
There are numerous uses for aluminium foil outside the kitchen that most of us never knew to be possible. Take a look for yourself.
How to Pick the Right Potato For Every Recipe
Some potato varieties shine in a soup or stew, while others are delicious for roasting and frying. Here's a full guide to potatoes and where to use them!
Should You Put Plants on the Windowsill in the Winter?
One of the biggest pitfalls of winter houseplant care is choosing the wrong location for your plants...
Pears Aren't Just Yummy, They're Incredibly Healthy Too
No wonder the ancient Greeks believed pears were a gift from the Gods! There are loads of health benefits contained in these juicy wonders...
Stay Clear of These 9 RISKY Google Searches
You can search anything on Google, but it’s advisable not to do so for these risky things.
Incredible Uses for Fabric Softener You Haven’t Thought Of
This article will teach you about 6 innovative uses for fabric softener around your home!
10 Tips to Make the iPhone User-Friendly for Seniors
Use these tips to make the iPhone easier for the seniors in your life.
How to Pack Light and Travel Effortlessly: 11 Tips
Master the art of packing light with these tips.
7 Sounds Your Cat Makes and What They Mean
This video will show you the 7 different sounds cats make and the purpose for each of them.
Keep Your Lemons Fresh for Longer with These Hacks
Have you tried these lemon storage hacks yet?
The BIGGEST Problems Houseplants Face in the Winter
Why are my houseplants dying in the winter? We review a variety of plant problems typical for the winter and get to the root causes of these problems.
Ten Genius Christmas Life Hacks You Surely Never Thought Of
The DIY solutions you always needed for this time of year...
7 Ways Lemons Can Make Your Life a Whole Lot Easier!
Here you'll discover seven surprising ways how you can use lemons and lemon juice to make your life cleaner and easier.
So You Think You Shop Online Safely? This May Surprise You
If you shop online, you need to know how to avoid fake websites and low quality goods. For these and more online shopping tips, read this article.
Old Pantyhose Can Be Used for So Many Surprising Things
Pantyhose rip so easily, but fortunately they can still be used around the house. Here are 14 handy uses for torn pantyhose.
4 Simple Ways to Open a Jar Lid That’s Stuck
Opening a jar can be quite tricky and sometimes seemingly impossible, really, but with these tricks, you'll be able to twist it open in no time!
Treat Motion Sickness With These Natural Remedies and Tips
Here are 6 natural remedies and 7 effective tips that will help you eliminate the feeling of motion sickness.
17 Ingenious Life Hacks That You've Been Waiting For!
These 17 amazing and ingenious life hacks will make your day-to-day tasks a lot easier.