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These Tips Will Make Flying With Kids Less Stressful

Family vacations are exciting, but the thought of flying with kids can make even the most seasoned parent break a sweat. Packing snacks and keeping little ones entertained is a challenge in itself, let alone navigating airport security and cramped airplane aisles. It doesn't have to be a daunting experience, though. A little planning and the right resources can make a world of difference.

We've gathered 11 essential tips and resources to help you and your kids have a stress-free flight and start your vacation feeling relaxed and ready to enjoy. Let's make your next family flight the best one yet.

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1. Pre-book your seats

Handy Flight Hacks
Don't leave seat assignments to chance. Airlines often overbook flights, and you risk being separated from your children if you don't choose your seats in advance. Most airlines allow you to select seats during online check-in, or even earlier when you book your flight. This ensures you can all sit together and makes boarding much smoother.

2. Pack smart carry-ons

Carry-on bags are your best friend when flying with kids. Pack a separate bag for each child with essentials like diapers, wipes, a change of clothes, snacks, and entertainment. Small, wrapped toys or new books can provide a welcome distraction. Don't forget headphones for electronic devices! Make sure headphones are child-friendly and comfortable.

These distractions can help keep boredom at bay and prevent restless behavior during the flight. Don’t forget to mix it up with surprise treats or new toys—they can work wonders in keeping little ones happy for longer stretches.

3. Carry healthy snacks

Handy Flight Hacks Healthy snacks are a must when flying with kids. Not only do they help keep hunger pangs at bay, but they can also serve as a mood-lifter during the trip. Pack a mix of treats like fruit, nuts, granola bars, and mini sandwiches. Opt for non-messy options to minimize cleanup! Bringing a refillable water bottle is also a smart move. Just remember to fill it up after security to keep everyone hydrated in-flight.

4. Book seats strategically

Handy Flight Hacks

When booking your flight, try to choose seats strategically. If possible, book a window seat for your child to keep them entertained by the view, or an aisle seat for easy access to the bathroom. Some parents even opt for bulkhead seats, which provide more legroom and can make it easier to stretch out with young children. If you're traveling with an infant, check if the airline offers bassinets for longer flights. Planning ahead with seating can make the journey much more comfortable for everyone.

5. Utilize pre-boarding perks 

Handy Flight Hacks
Many airlines offer pre-boarding for families with young children. Take advantage of this! It gives you extra time to get settled without the rush of other passengers. You’ll have a little more space to stow bags, set up your child’s seat, and make sure everything is within reach before the plane gets crowded. While you might spend a little longer on the plane, it’s worth the peace of mind knowing you’re organized and not scrambling at the last minute.

6. Use gate check for strollers

If you’re traveling with a stroller, take advantage of gate-checking it. This means you can use the stroller throughout the airport and hand it over just before boarding, which can be a lifesaver when navigating terminals with little ones. When you arrive, your stroller will be waiting for you at the gate. It’s a convenient way to keep your child comfortable while reducing the amount you have to carry, especially when managing carry-on bags or other items.

7. Plan for ears during takeoff and landing

Handy Flight Hacks
Takeoff and landing can be tough on little ears due to changes in cabin pressure. Help relieve ear discomfort by having your child suck on a pacifier, drink from a bottle, or chew on a snack during these times. For older kids, chewing gum or sipping water can do the trick. Making preparations in advance can prevent ear pain and make the entire process less stressful for both you and your child. Keeping them calm and comfortable during these crucial moments is key.

8. Consider a comfort item

Handy Flight Hacks
Bringing a familiar blanket, stuffed animal, or pillow can work wonders for younger children, especially during takeoff and landing when the unfamiliar sensations can be unsettling. These comfort items can provide a sense of security and make the strange environment of an airplane feel a bit more like home, reducing anxiety and promoting relaxation.

9. Dress for comfort

Handy Flight Hacks
Comfort is key when flying with kids. Opt for breathable, flexible clothing that allows for movement. Layering is also a good idea; planes can get chilly, and having an extra sweatshirt or fleece on hand will keep everyone cozy. If your child enjoys dressing up, let them pick out their favorite travel outfit! Comfortable footwear is a must since they might want to take off their shoes during the flight.

10. Download entertainment in advance

Handy Flight Hacks
Wi-Fi on planes is often spotty or nonexistent, especially on shorter flights. Before heading to the airport, download movies, TV shows, or games onto your devices so your kids can watch their favorites offline. Streaming apps like Netflix and Disney+ allow you to download content that can be watched without an internet connection. This way, even if there’s no Wi-Fi, your kids will be entertained, making for a more peaceful flight for everyone.

11. Explain the flight process

Handy Flight Hacks
Talking to your children about what to expect during the flight – the noises, the sensations of takeoff and landing, the seatbelt rules – can help alleviate any pre-flight jitters or anxieties. Even young children can benefit from simple explanations of the process. This preparation can make the experience less daunting and more exciting.
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