These bones are not similar to the uncooked one from the butcher or the leftovers from dinner. They’re bones that have been put through a smoking process and are packed with flavoring and preservatives. They’re usually labeled as “pork femur bones,” and “smokey knuckle bones.”
Michael San Filippo, spokesperson for the American Veterinary Medical Association says that, “veterinarians see many problems related to chewing and ingestion of bones by dogs of all sizes and breeds. Bones can be swallowed whole or they can crack and splinter, leading to choking, vomiting or blockages in the digestive tract. In extreme cases, splintered bones can perforate a dog’s esophagus, stomach or intestines, which can be fatal without emergency intervention.”
Treats such as dried pig ears or rawhide are also potentially dangerous as there’s a possibility that they contain salmonella or quaternary ammonium compounds. These treats have all been linked to diarrhea, gastric inflammation, and vomiting.
The FDA also said that you shouldn’t give your dog unprocessed bones. This includes chicken, turkey, or steak bones as they are brittle and can splinter and break easily. Therefore, make sure you keep them out of reach when cooking and always safely secure your garbage cans.
You can talk to your local vet about which treats are best for your dog. Once you get your dog a vet-approved treat, it’s always a good idea to monitor your dog when they’re using this new product.
Source: animalchannel
Images: depositphotos
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