As a result, the FDA is warning lovers of licorice to avoid eating this sweet treat. This is because licorice contains a compound called glycrrhizin, which, in large doses, can be harmful to the heart. This compound can cause potassium levels in the body to fall, which can lead to an abnormal heartbeat, swelling, lethargy, congestive heart failure, and high blood pressure.
Glycyrrhizin is particularly harmful to people over the age of 40: For people in this age group, eating 2 ounces (56 grams) of black licorice a day for a period of at least two weeks could lead to an irregular heartbeat. Black licorice is often sold in 2-ounce bags.
Dr. Linda Katz, director of the Office of Cosmetics and Colors at the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition at the FDA, noted that the health issues caused by black licorice are not permanent. A person’s potassium levels will usually return to normal after that person stops eating that food.
The FDA gives the following advice for black-licorice lovers:
• Don’t eat large amounts of candy at once, no matter what your age is.
• If you have eaten a large amount of black licorice and have muscle weakness or an irregular heartbeat, stop eating the candy, and contact your doctor.
• Black licorice can interact with some herbs, medications, and supplements. Ask a doctor any questions you might have about possible reactions.
Source: livescience
Images: depositphotos
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