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Sometimes Knowing One Clever Hack Makes All the Difference

Sometimes the most ordinary daily tasks, like checking if something is found on the higher shelf or lining the bin, can prove tedious or difficult, especially when done over and over again. The good news is all you need to know are a few simple hacks that will make life much smoother. And this is exactly what we’re here for. Below you can find 10 useful tricks, hacks, and tips to tackle various small day-to-day challenges. 

1. Stick a hook upside down on the garbage can to keep the bag in place.
life hacks, garbage bag

2. Want to use your laptop outside without it melting away in the heat? All it takes is a simple cardboard box.
life hacks cardboard shade for laptop

3. If your going for a run and don’t have zip pockets or a phone holder, thread your key through your shoelace and double knot it! 
life hacks key and running shoe

Related: 14 Tried and True Cooking Tips

4. Reuse an old shoe holder to store art supplies or any kit that had multiple parts.
life hacks shoe holder

5. Use the front-facing camera on your phone to see into boxes on a high shelf.
life hacks high shelf

6. Binder clip to weigh down tea bags so they don’t fall in all the time.
life hacks tea bag

7. Emergency fix if your flip-flops suddenly break: use a bread tie to hold the strings in place. life hacks broken flip flops

Related: A Few Indispensable Life Hacks Worth Knowing

8. Useful tips from a lime cartonlife hacks cutting limes

9. Rub your hair with computer wipes to get rid of static.
life hacks hair

10. Empty egg cartons make great organizers for nuts and bolts.
life hacks egg carton

H/T: Acid Cow

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