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Safe Ways to Get Rid of Termites

On popular DIY programs that show people buying cheap houses to do up, one problem that they’re often faced with is termites lurking behind the walls. According to Pest World, termites cause around $5 million in property damage every year. Thankfully, if you’ve been targeted by the pesky pests, there are chemical-free ways to get rid of them.

1. Orange Oil

During laboratory experiments, orange oil was found to kill termites on contact. In order to use this method of termination, holes must first be drilled into the walls every five inches around the infestation. Once done, orange oil can then be injected into the holes where the termites are located.

2. Heat

Termites hate extreme heat, so another way of getting rid of them is to cover the infested structure to raise its temperature. The temperature has to reach at least 130 degrees Celsius, and this can be achieved by placing propane burners near air ducts, so that the hot air moves towards the affected area. This method is extremely effective and usually removes 90-99% of the termites.

3. Cardboard

Cardboard can be used to keep termites away from the wood in your house. Place a piece of wet cardboard near affected areas, and when the termites are munching on that instead (as they love cardboard), remove it from your location.

4. Clove Oil
7 Ways to Rid Your House of Termites

Clove oil is highly effective at killing termites. This oil has been proven to rid an area of termites in just two days. This oil can be placed in a spray bottle and sprayed on pieces of wood that contain termites.

5. Removal

This particular method requires some elbow grease as you will need to personally remove the pieces of wood that are infested with termites. You can wash the pieces of wood with warm soapy water to kill the termites. The removal method is best suitable in conditions where the area containing termites is quite small, and the pieces of wood are within easy reach.

6. Cinnamon Oil

You can spray wood with cinnamon oil not only to kill existing termites, but also to prevent future infestations. Furthermore, cinnamon oil will repel other pests such as roaches and silverfish.

7. Neem Oil

Neem is a commonly used, non-toxic insecticide. Termites (and other insects) that come into contact with this oil will die. You can use a cotton ball to apply the oil directly to the wood or place some oil in a spray bottle with water. Treat the infected area daily until all the termites are gone.

Source: shareably
Images: depositphotos

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