Here are 8 places to avoid putting your phone:
There are a number of reasons why keeping your phone in your back pocket is a terrible idea. First of all, it's very easy to forget about your phone when it's in your back pocket, which could cause you to break it, lose it, or even dial somebody by accident. It could also disrupt your circulation, resulting in you feeling pain in your legs or stomach.
2. Your Front Pocket
This one can be pretty dangerous for men in particular. This is because studies have shown that a smartphone's electromagnetic radiation emissions can have a negative impact on the quality and quantity of a man's sperm cells. This risk increases the longer a man keeps his phone in his pants.
3. Your Bra
While not all scientists are in full agreement about this one, some of them warn that placing a cell phone inside your bra may increase your risk of getting breast cancer.
4. Against Your Skin
When talking on your cell phone, try to keep your device at least 0.5 to 1.5cm away from your face. This is because by touching your face with your phone, you'll be transferring loads of nasty bacteria, as well as increasing the amount of electromagnetic radiation your skin absorbs.
There are a number of reasons why you shouldn't store your phone under your pillow. Radiation may cause you to experience dizziness or headaches, and if your screen lights up with each notification you receive, your melatonin production may also end up being disrupted. If you want a good night's sleep, then keep your cell phone far away from your pillow!
6. On Your Hip
According to scientists, carrying your cell phone close to your thigh or hip can make your hip bones weaker, especially if carried like this for months or years on end.
7. In a Stroller
Moms who are in a hurry often place their cell phones in baby strollers. However, some researchers claim that doing so may actually lead to young children developing certain behavioral issues, such as ADHD and hyperactivity.
8. On a Charger
While leaving your cell phone charging all night long won't harm your health, it'll significantly reduce the battery's efficiency and reduce your phone's lifespan. If you can't afford to replace your phone anytime soon, then make sure you unplug it as soon as it finishes charging.
Don't forget to share this information with your friends and family to make sure they stay safe when using a cell phone.
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