Bad breath, although very common, can be quite embarrassing, and very few people will actually come and tell you that you have it. There are many reasons for it, namely alcohol, oral dryness and digestive problems, among many others. So how do we make sure we don't have bad breath?
If you suffer from chronic bad breath, then mouthwash may not be enough, especially if you only use it in the morning. However, there are plenty of natural remedies that can keep your breath fresh for a long time, and also help solve the problem that caused it in the first place. Here are some easy and natural solutions anyone can use, and we're sure that out of all the items on this list, you'll find something that works for you.
Mint - Chew fresh mint leaves during the day to neutralize bad breath over the long-term. It also works with basil, rosemary and parsley.
Parsley - Parsley in particular has a high level of chlorophyll, so a great solution is to chew a few parsley stems dipped in vinegar for immediate relief. If you swallow the leaves after chewing, they will get digested and will continue to freshen your breath for quite some time. The reason is that these leaves reduce the amount of gas created in the bowel by promoting better digestion.
An infusion of cloves - Prepare a home-made mouthwash by mixing three buds of cloves, or a quarter-spoonful of ground cloves, with two cups of hot water. Let it soak for 20 minutes while stirring occasionally. Filter, cool and use as a mouthwash that you can gargle twice a day.
Fresh vegetables - Chew vegetables such as carrots, celery or lettuce to keep your mouth clean and your breath fresh.
Apples - Eat an apple on a daily basis to neutralize bad odors. The best time to do so is in the morning.
Apple Vinegar - Consume a tablespoon of apple vinegar before each meal.
Hazelnuts - Chew hazelnuts very slowly until they absorb all the bad odor in your mouth.
Lemon - Suck on a slice of lemon with salt on it to get rid of the smell of onions or garlic.
Drinking Baking Soda - A solution that will help reduce the amount of acidity in the mouth. Make sure to brush your teeth with baking soda every couple of days. It won't only bring some shine to your teeth, but will also neutralize those bad odors. You can put some baking soda on a wet toothbrush or dip the toothbrush (with the toothpaste) in the powder.
Gargling Salt - Mix a spoonful of salt in a glass of water and gargle for 30 seconds without swallowing.
Tea tree oil - The tea tree oil contains a powerful disinfectant mixture. Try to use a toothpaste that contains the oil, or pour a few drops of it on your toothbrush.
Cinnamon - Suck on a little piece of cinnamon peel during the day to alleviate bad breath.
Aromatic Spices - Chew cardamom, cloves or sage to neutralize bad breath. Our recommendation is to choose the aromatic spices that are tasty and also release aromatic oils.
Hydrogen Peroxide - Dilute with 50% water and pour 5-10 drops in each nostril. Blow strongly until the sinuses open. This will resolve that bad odor that originates from blocked sinuses.
Citrus Fruit - Bad breath is often the result of simple mouth dryness. If this is the case, just eat some citrus fruit that have a lot of lemon acid, such as oranges, lemons or grapefruits. They can significantly improve your breath. The acid in these fruits encourages the production of saliva, which helps get rid of some of the odor-causing bacteria.
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