H/T: EmpoweringMichigan, HouseBeautiful.
The Most Creative Snowmen, 2021 Edition
Enjoy a collection of 13 artful snowmen to inspire you and maybe give a good laugh!
Winter Allergies: Causes and Efficient Solutions
Seasonal allergies aren't reserved just for the spring. Here's what causes winter allergies and what can be done about them.
How To Face Consistent Social Distancing Rule Breakers
We all know someone who consistently breaks social distancing rules. Weather it's a friends or a co-worker, these tips will halp you handle the situation.
Does COVID-19 Affect Pets?
The first dog was tested positive in Hong Kong recently. What does it mean and what is the effect of the corona virus on pets?
This Online Scam Is Gaining Popularity at Alarming Rates
Sammers are taking advantage of people's vulnerability during the pandemic. This is how to recognize and avoid the danger.
How To Tell If a Mattress Contains Toxic Chemicals
Warning: toxic chemicals may lurking where you least want them - your bed! Find out how to tell whether a mattress contains toxic chemicals in this article.
9 Effective Methods for Removing Oil Stains from Clothes
Oil stains are the greatest enemy, not to mention a nightmare, for anyone who does laundry - but now there's a solution...actually 9 of them!
Whoa! I Never Thought of Using My Potato Peeler for This
Did you know there are more uses for your potato peeler? Find out!
These Alternative Uses For Sandpaper Will Surprise You
Sandpaper is incredibly versatile, and can be used to solve all sorts of common problems. Here are 18 uses for sandpaper that you wish you knew of before.
Avoid These Common Thanksgiving Turkey Mistakes This Year
Cooking a turkey this Thanksgiving ? Don’t make these mistakes!
The Perfect Morning Guide: How to Start Your Morning Right
Are your co-workers not allowed to talk to you before you’ve had a cup of coffee? You probably need to change up your morning routine!
Keep You Bathroom Clean & Tidy with these 15 Tips
These great tricks will help you keep your bathroom clean and your experience in it enjoyable and comfy. Is there a place you need to feel more at your ease? Here are 15 bathroom secrets we'd like to share.
Travel Through Time: History's Best & Worst Makeup Moments
Makeup tastes and trends have changed dramatically over the years, and this great video proves it...
9 Smart Ways to Store Your Clothes Without a Closet!
Don’t have a closet? No problem. Store your clothes using these handy tips.
13 Common Refrigerator Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Mistakes you didn't know you were making with your fridge.
9 Mistakes We Make When Grilling that May Be Harming Us
We’ve prepared the following guide for you, in which you'll discover the 9 mistakes you should avoid when barbecuing.
Don't Throw Out Produce - Make a Gourmet Meal Instead!
Save yourself from having to throw away food, save money, and discover some palatable dishes along the way.
Eradicate Your Dry Skin with These Fantastic Tips
Everyone wants their skin looking its best, so here are some wonderful tips that'll help you get rid of any dry skin that is bothering you.
What Does Your Handwriting Say About You?
These graphology tips will help you figure out what your handwriting says about you.
13 Daily Objects We Could Be Using Better
You probably think you know how to use most of these objects already. Don't worry, all of us thought the same...
These Common Habits Make Our Anxiety Worse
Experts believe that certain attitudes and habits are amplifying your stress levels.
These Summer Life Hacks Are Totally Out of This World!
Check out these wonderful summer life hacks that are bound to keep you and your family entertained all summer long!
How to Pick the Right Frying Pan for Every Recipe
Upgrade your cooking skills instantly with this full guide to frying pans and saucepans, so that your cookware works with you, and not against you!
Here's What You Do With Your Leftover Plastic Spoons!
I never thought there was so much to do with this simple single-use utensil.
Learn How to Easily Peel 22 Kinds of Fruits and Veggies!
Peeling can be one of the most bothersome tasks in the kitchen. These 22 genius peeling hacks will make your life much easier.
For Perfectly Boiled Eggs, This Guide Is All You Need
Follow these 8 simple steps to make perfectly boiled eggs.
What Attracts Spiders to Your Home?
Keep spiders away from your home by avoiding these common cleaning mistakes.
Here are 15 Ways I've Thought of to Reuse Plastic Bags
In recent years, we have seen laws introduced to control the use of plastic bags, in an attempt to encourage us to reuse and recycle them.You will be surprised to discover what you can do to reuse plastic bags.
24 Smart Things to do With Your Clothes Hangers
There are so many things you can do with a good old clothes hanger. Here's 24 of them!
NEVER Do These 7 Things When Using a Power Strip
These are 7 safety tips you should always follow when using a power strip to avoid disaster
Have You Been Eating Bananas Wrong Your Whole Life??
There are so many food items we have been eating the wrong way our entire life. Here are the right ways to eat these 10 foods.
Reaching age 112: People Share Their Long Living Secrets
10 of the oldest people on earth would like to share their secret...
Cut These 8 Expenses After Retirement to Save Money
Make sure you avoid spending on these things during your retirement years.
Video Guide: Peel a Potato in Less Than a Minute
In this video guide, you will learn how to peel potatoes as quickly as possible.
15 Smart Alternative Uses for Bubble Wrap No One Told You
Bubble wrap can do much more than help you move!
Avoid 10 Design Mistakes to Make Your Home More Spacious
Interior decoration is a lot tougher than it seems, no wonder these 10 mistakes are so very common. Care to find out if you're guilty of any?
Who Knew Vick's VapoRub Was So Incredibly Versatile?
Is there any product in your medicine cabinet that is more versatile than Vick's VapoRub? Here are 7 innovative ways for you to use it.
Do You Have Hair Problems? Try This DIY Rosemary Hair Wash
Did you know that rosemary, that great herb, is an invaluable weapon to help protect your hair from split ends, loss and other concerns? Read about it here.
These Are The Financial Secrets of This Billionaire
When it comes to making money, you have to listen to men like Warren Buffet - they really know what they are talking about.
9 Tips to Keep Your Sweater from Shedding This Winter
Winter is almost here, and it’s time to protect your sweaters from shedding.
Choose the Healthiest Breakfast Cereal With These Tips
Choose the healthiest breakfast cereal with these tips.
13 Fantastic Alternative Uses of the Humble Apple
There is no doubt that apples are enjoyable to eat, but they can also do so much more. Here are 13 great alternative uses of apples.
These 15 Charts Are Both Useful and Interesting!
The 15 charts cover topics like health, animals, and classical music, and they are full of useful information, perfect for a lifelong learner like you.
33 Mistakes That Shorten the Life Span of Your Appliances
Home appliances often break down before their time. These 33 tips will ensure that they last you longer.
7 Super Useful Embroidery Tips and Hacks
Get to know 6 tricks for creating beautiful embroidery designs on clothes—perfect for beginners, but also for those already familiar with the technique.
You Can Use Windex For MUCH More Than Just Windows
First invented in the 1930s, Windex is a potent solution that can be used for so much more than what it was originally intended for, as this list proves.
These Are the 8 Healthiest Plants To Have In Your Home
Houseplants have health benefits, from cleaning the air around you to boosting your mood. Learn which ones are the healthiest to have around.