1. Take a spoon and scrape it over the entire surface of your tongue, abundantly wetting it with saliva.
2. Put the spoon into a transparent plastic bag, then place it under a bright light source. It could be the sun or a desk lamp.
3. Then wait one minute, and check the spoon.
If the spoon appears clean with no stains or any unpleasant odors, then you have no urgent problems with your internal organs.
If on the other hand, there is an odor, take note of the following:
1. A putrefactive, strong smell indicates problems with the lungs or stomach.
2. A sweet smell indicates the possibility of diabetes.
3. A smell of ammonia shows problems with the kidneys.
If you notice any stains on the spoon, here's what you need to know:
1. White or yellow stains with a thick coating indicate thyroid gland dysfunction.
2. Purple stains indicate bronchitis, poor blood circulation, high cholesterol levels.
3. White stains indicate a respiratory infection.
4. Orange stains show kidney disease.
Always remember that the above information is for informational purposes only and should not replace a doctor's consultation.
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