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I Bet You Never Thought of These Tea Uses!

There's nothing like a hot cup of tea, especially on a cold day. Not only does it warm the body and give us inner peace, it also fights cancers, lowers the risk of stroke and helps our cells fight aging. However, if you thought that is where the usefulness of this drink ends, you are sorely mistaken.
16 Amazing Uses For Regular Tea
Here are 16 other things that you can do with tea:

1. Recover from tired eyes
Tired and red eyes can be caused by irritation, too much crying or simple tiredness. While ice bags or cucumber slices are a workable solution, tea bags get you the same results, but are also warm and pleasant. Put them in hot water, allow them to cool a bit, then place them on your eyelids like a compress.


2. Improve the taste of meat
Meat tastes great when properly cooked, but when not, it can become hard and dry. Here is an effective solution to the problem: use used tea bags to make a marinade that will restore its flavor. Soaking hard meat in black tea can also help soften it again.

16 Amazing Uses For Regular Tea

3. Clean wood surfaces
Tea can be a great and gentle cleaning material for wood floors and surfaces. Wipe the wood surfaces or furniture with a clean cloth soaked in cool tea water, then use a clean and dry towel to prevent stains.

4. Remove fat and dirt
The astringency of the tea will reduce the fatty buildup in pots and pans. Just soak the used tea bag in the container you wish to clean.

5. Clean rugs
Clean moldy and dirty rugs by spreading some used (dry) tea leaves on it. Leave them sit for 10 minutes and then vacuum the rug. If these are delicate carpets, you can gently brush the tea leaves away.

6. Clean fatty fingerprints from glass
Tea can remove those pesky fingerprints from glass, and make it shine. Just rub a moist tea bag on the glass surface, then use a spray bottle filled with tea water and wipe.

16 Amazing Uses For Regular Tea

7. Clean the toilet
Use tea to remove stubborn stains from the bottom of the toilet. Soak several bags of tea for several hours in the toilet water and then remove them gently and brush the sides.

8. Get rid of fish smell
To get rid of that overpowering smell of fish, wash your hands in tea water.

9. Air freshener
Bags of tea can absorb those bad odors in the pantry, in your shoes or in your car. Put a few tea bags on a tray and put them in the closet, shoe or car. Let them absorb the odors.

10. Get rid of bad foot odor
If you suffer from stinky feet, soak them for 20 minutes in a tea bath. Use black tea for extreme cases. The astringency in the tea will close the sweat glands that give off the smell and the tannins will kill the bacteria.

16 Amazing Uses For Regular Tea


11. Remove warts and blisters
Soak a tea bag in water and put it on the blister for 20-30 minutes. Make sure to throw away the bag afterwards.

12. Diminish mouth ulcers
Get your mouth wounds to heal faster by gently biting a used tea bag. The healing powers of the tea will reduce the pain, shrink the blood vessels and stop the bleeding.

13. Treat burns
If you suffer from a really bad case of acne or irritated skin from a burn or sun tanning, use used tea bags to bring relief. Wash the areas burnt with a cold tea bag, but if most of the skin needs it, draw a bath of tea water

14. Treat acne
Many find that washing their face with a cool brew of green tea is an effective solution for acne.

16 Amazing Uses For Regular Tea

15. Avoid fleas
To turn back fleas from your dog or cat, spread some dry and used tea leaves around the place they sleep.

16. Soften and dye your hair
Washing your hair with a cup of tea can make it shiny and soft to the touch. However, if your hair is light colored, it may turn darker, which is perfect if you want to dye it.


Images and cover image by Deposit Photos

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