Have you ever taken a close look at your skin in one of those lighted magnified mirrors? I know that the first time I did, I saw way too many blackheads for my liking. Those pesky little things are extremely difficult to get rid of too – you can’t just get rid of them with a normal cleanser. Thankfully, skincare guru Jennifer Chiu has come up with a great set of tips that really help.
She outlines how she unclogs her pores, and then she has six steps that need to be followed.
1. Use Steam to Open Those Pores
The first step to ridding yourself of those unsightly blackheads is by using steam. Simply take a soft hand towel, and drop it into a bowl of hot water. Remove after a few seconds and be sure to test the temperature before placing it over your face. Hold the towel up to your T-zone and take a deep breath.
2. Prep Your Skin
Once your towel has cooled, gently pat the area dry. Next, put a bit of toner onto an all-natural cotton pad and wipe it over your nose area. This step allows those newly-opened pores to become purified.
3. Grab Those Flossers
This step is true DIY genius! Sure, you can go to the beauty store and buy an expensive metal extractor, but you can get the same job done by using disposable flossers that you might already have in your bathroom cabinets.
To complete the extractions, drag the floss end over your nose using steady scraping motions. After a number of scrapes, you should start to see some white pus come out. For the middle part of your nose, push together the two flossers to drive out the bad stuff.
4. Use a Pore Strip
Pore strips are great for those of us who have fairly large pores. To use these, make sure that you follow the first two steps very carefully. Wet your pore strip and place it over your nose. Wait ten minutes, then pull off the strip. This last part doesn’t feel too good – think pulling off a bandage – but the results are pretty impressive.
5. Try a Mask
Face masks are great for two reasons: they’re effective and fun. Apply a pore refining mud mask, making a triangular shape over the center of your nose. You can apply it using your fingers, but brushes work best. Leave it on for 15 minutes and then remove. You should see instant results, and even better ones when used on a weekly basis.
6. Go For Natural
The last step is to cleanse the area using some tea tree oil. Jennifer says that she likes to dilute hers with water, and apply it to a cotton pad. Wipe the pad over your nose, and you’re good to go!
Source: tiphero
Images: depositphotos
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