But, prior to seeing what tips and techniques to use, you must also address the colored stain that many candles will leave behind. This is because most candles use dye in their recipes to color the candles. While it's not merely enough to remove the candle wax, you need to treat the underlying stain as well. Let's take a look at the best tips to get wax out of your carpet, tablecloth or placemats, or even out of your favorite pair of pants or blouse.
1. Let the Wax Dry
Until it is completely dry, don't attempt to remove the wax. Trying to remove hot wax before it has had the chance to set will make the issue worse by spreading the stain. In addition, trying to remove hot wax can be dangerous, increasing your chances of getting burned. So, before you take any action to remove wax from your clothes, let the wax cool down completely.
2. Scrape the Stain
Once the wax has cooled and hardened, try to remove as much of it as possible by scraping the stain. You can take a butter knife and work on the wax to remove as much of the hardened wax as possible. Be sure to take care even when handling a blunt knife and be sure to use strokes that go away from the body, avoiding accidents.
3. Apply Ice to the Wax
With most of the wax removed, you can use an ice cube or a stain remover, placing it over stained clothing in the freezer for 30 minutes. If you don't want to put your clothes in the freezer, then put ice cubes in a zipped bag, placing it over the waxed area until it becomes brittle. Once the wax has become brittle, hold the garment over the trash can and rub the material together, back and forth along the waxy area. Fold and unfold it several times to break the wax. Then, using your fingers, pick at the wax or scrape it away using the dull, top side of a butter knife.
4. Re-Melt the Wax on the Clothes
While it may seem counter-intuitive, reheating the remaining wax is how to remove the wax off your favorite garment. The method is simple, and it is also the best way to remove wax from a tablecloth. Simply place a towel underneath, and place two paper towels over the stain. Then, with an iron set at a low to medium heat, iron over the paper towels and stain. If the paper towel becomes saturated with the melted wax, replace it with a new sheet.
5. Let it Soak
The above methods should have successfully removed all the wax out. If you are left with a stain from colored wax, let it soak in a bowl of water and an oxygen-based stain remover, leaving the item to soak for several hours. If the stain is visible, apply a few drops of laundry detergent to the stain and let it stand for 15 minutes. Once the stain has disappeared, wash the piece in the usual manner.
6. Candle Wax Spot Treatment
Combine the rubbing alcohol and the water in a spray bottle and shake vigorously to mix the ingredients. Then, spray the stain, and using a sponge, work from the outside of the stain toward the center. Squeeze the sponge dry and continue to blot the area to remove moisture.
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