At the end of the quiz you will find out how many right answers you got and if you perhaps need to refresh your knowledge in this area. |
1. If your child was bitten by a dog he will have to get...
A. Antibiotics.
B. A Rabies vaccination.
C. A Tetanus vaccination.
D. All answers are correct.
Since dogs (especially wild dogs) are very likely to have all kinds of diseases it's recommended that a bitten child will take an antibiotic shot as well as Tetanus and Rabies.
2. What should be done if someone has a bleeding nose?
A. Call 911.
B. Tilt their head back until the bleeding stops.
C. Lean the head forward and gently pinch the bridge of their nose.
D. Put some ice on the nose bridge.
Treating a nose bleed is usually done by leaning the head forward and blocking blood flow by holding the nose bridge for about 10 minutes. Leaning back might cause suffocation. If the bleeding continues, see a doctor.
3. Your child has fallen and was hit on the head, He is in the biggest danger if...
A. He fell from the second floor.
B. He fell on a wooden floor.
C. He loses consciousness for a short time.
D. He falls on the carpet.
A child who has lost his consciousness after falling is in danger and should get medical treatment. Another bad sign is vomiting.
4. Your child was cut in his arm and is bleeding steadily, you should...
A. Place an arterial tourniquet on his arm.
B. Use sterile gaze cloth to warp the cut and apply gentle pressure until the bleeding stops.
C. Put his arm below his heart.
D. All the answers are correct.
A bleeding cut must be washed and warped in gaze as soon as possible. If you can stop the bleeding of if you think the cut needs stitches go see a doctor.
5. If your child is having a seizure then you must...
A. Start giving him CPR.
B. Place something in his mouth so he won't swallow his tongue.
C. Hold his arms and legs so he won't move around.
D. None of the answers is correct.
During a seizure unless the child has stopped breathing there is no need to give him CPR. Instead help him lay on the floor, don't touch him and don’t put anything in his mouth. Call an ambulance if the seizure is very long or severe and consult a doctor for the reason of the seizure regardless.
6. Someone just spilt hot water on their arm and the area is very red and covered in blisters. This is probably a...
A. A first degree burn.
B. A second degree burn.
C. A third degree burn.
D. A forth degree burn.
A burn that causes blisters is probably a second degree burn. First degree burns are mostly just red skin and slight pain while third are extremely painful and look like charred skin.
7. You have been bitten by a fire ant and the area looks red and blistered. This is probably a...
A. An allergic reaction.
B. A normal reaction to a fire ant bite.
C. An emergency that needs a doctor's attention.
D. It's actually a spider bite.
Fire Ants and known to cause red skin and small skin bubbles, even itchy wounds that can become blisters. These are all normal reactions and they do not mean you are allergic to fire ants.
8. When someone is suffocating they needs a..
A. A Hirschsprung maneuver.
B. A Heimlich maneuver.
C. A Healthy maneuver.
D. A Lichtman maneuver.
The Heimlich maneuver is used to help a person who is suffocating by grabbing him from behind and pressing his stomach.
9. Which of the following is a classical sign of dehydration?
A. Crying.
B. Weight gain.
C. Reduced urination.
D. Increased urination.
Classical symptoms of dehydration are reduced urination, dry mouth and dry eyes (no tears).
10. A bite from which animal can infect your child with Rabies?
A. Rat.
B. Fox.
C. Bat.
D. A and C are correct.
A dog or a cat that are not vaccinated for rabies can transfer the disease and so can wild animals like bats, wolfs and foxes. However it is very uncommon for rabbits, rats and other rodents to be infected.
11. Your child was stung by a bee, you should...
A. Try to scrap off the stinger with a credit card or something similar.
B. Pull out the stinger.
C. Cool the area with some water and ice
D. A and C are correct.
You should avoid pulling out the stinger since it might make more poison enter the body. Its mush safer to gently push it out of the skin and then apply some ice and water to help cool the area.
12. After being stung by a bee your child had a severe allergic reaction. After this you should...
A. Always keep an EpiPen adrenaline shot with him in case he gets stung again.
B. Always keep an antibiotics shot with him in case he get stung again.
C. Always use a bug spray when he goes out.
D. Never let him go outside again.
You should always keep an EpiPen shot ready. Bug spray isn’t always effective and antibiotics don’t help with such allergic reactions.
13. Your child has fallen on his arm and the area starts swelling, what should you do?
A. Take him to the hospital to get an X-ray immediately.
B. Put some ice on his arm and see if the swelling disappears over time, if it does not go to the hospital.
C. Move his arm around to see if it's broken.
D. Place his hand in a home-made a cast.
If there is any fear of broken bones don't move the area as it might do more harm then good. Put some ice on the area and wait to see if it gets better. If it does not get better over time go see a doctor and try to move the arm or leg as little as possible.
14. Which of the following things should always be in a child's first aid kit?
A. Aspirin, in case the child gets sick.
B. Band-Aids and gaze, in case the child gets a cut.
C. Quicksilver thermometer, to see if the child has fever.
D. All the answers are correct.
Aspirin and a quicksilver thermometer are not safe for kids to use.
15. You have found a small tick on your child, after removing it with a pair of tweezers you should...
A. Call the doctor if the child shows any unusual symptoms.
B. Check if the child has lyme disease.
C. Check if the tick has lyme disease.
D. Give the child antibiotics to prevent lyme disease.
Using antibiotics or testing for lyme disease after a tick bite are not normally needed. You should keep an eye open for signs of the disease such as muscle pain, fever and headaches. If any of those occur, go see a doctor.