When it comes to cleaning leather, the first method you should try is one that uses soap, olive oil, and a towel. First, use a damp towel to clean your leather gently. Ensure that any excess water is removed before trying this method. Once clean, rinse the towel and use it to remove any excess soap residue.
Then, simply use a towel to get rid of any excess liquid that remains. If you have specific oils for leather, use them now to help recondition the material. If not, you can use olive oil to recondition the material and prevent it from drying up.
If you have spilled pen ink all over your leather sofa, the best thing you could possibly do is to bring in the professionals. However, for smaller stains, you might want to try using a small amount of rubbing alcohol. Make sure to test it on a small spot first to make sure that it does not damage the leather.
To apply, use a cotton swab to push the rubbing alcohol onto the ink stain while using circular motions. When you are ready, make sure to apply leather conditioner since your leather items will have lost some moisture in this process.
Mold Will Be a Thing of the Past With These Home Remedies
Mildew and mold are pesky household invaders. Here are 5 easy ways to get rid of them using just natural household ingredients.
9 Ways to Keep Your House Clean Using Just a Simple Lime
Limes are just as good as lemons when it comes to cleaning. Here are 9 great ways to clean with them.
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