Dirty Appliances? Old furniture not looking as good as it used to? Stains everywhere? Just follow these incredibly helpful tips and save time and money while keeping your home in top shape!
1. You just made a delicious smoothie, YUM! Now you need to clean your blender… Don’t fret – simply pour in some dish-soap and hot water and blend for a few seconds. Voila! It’s Clean! (If it’s not, just repeat once more).
2. Got an old leather chair that has seen better days? Simply use shoe polish on it and you’ll be amazed at how the scuffs and scrapes disappear while the leather gets more supple. Remember to use the right color polish and to give it a good wipe-down when you’re done.
3. Is your electric kettle full of scale? These white deposits are the result of “hard water” and they cling to the heating element, making it less effective and wasting a lot of electricity. Instead of buying expensive cleaners, simply fill the kettle, pour in about a teaspoon of citric acid (aka “lemon salt”) and set it to boil. Once it’s done, pour out the water and check the inside to see its condition. Repeat the process once more. This alternative is cheap, non-toxic and very effective!
4. Is your dishwasher collecting scale too? Clear it from any dishes, sprinkle some baking soda on the bottom and place a cup of vinegar on the top shelf. Now run the dishwasher at maximum heat and let the vinegar and baking soda dissolve the scale, scum and whatever else has attached itself to your dishwasher.
5. Did your dog just throw up on the rug? Don’t worry about it! Get a cup and make a paste from baking soda and some water, pour all over the vomit-stain and let it sit for the night. In the morning all you will need to do is vacuum it.
6. Has your mattress seen better days and does it smell bad too? Pour vodka into a spray bottle and spray it lightly. The alcohol will kill all the bacteria and most fungus that are causing the stench. (Just remember to let it dry before you go to bed!)
7. Does your bathtub have unsightly rings of scum?
Sprinkle the scum with salt, then grab a grapefruit (put some salt on it too) and give it a good scrub. The acids in the grapefruit will dissolve the scum and clean your tub!
8. Need to sharpen a knife, but don't have a sharpening tool? Do it with a coffee cup:
9. Do you have a ceiling fan, but find it difficult to clean the top blades? Grab a dirty pillowcase, place a blade inside, then rub it clean. The case will catch the dust instead of it going in your eyes. Once you're done, the pillowcase just needs to go back to the laundry!
10. Don’t you just hate it when you break a glass? Cleaning it up is worse, and if you’re not careful, you might just cut yourself while picking up the shards. Use a piece of bread instead – it will “catch” the glass and spare your fingers.
11. Has someone left a fresh water-ring on your table after forgetting to use a coaster? Wipe it dry, then get your hair dryer and aim it at the new ring. This should get rid of any excess moisture in the wood and prevent any marks from forming.
12. Finished cooking on your grill? Wait for it to cool and use half an onion to scrub it. This cleans the grill, mildly disinfects it and will leave a pleasant flavor for next time you use it.
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