Aspirin contains the same active ingredient (salicylic acid) as many anti-dandruff shampoos. Keep flaking in check by crushing a couple of aspirins and adding it to the normal amount of shampoo that you use each time you wash your hair. Leave the mixture on your hair for 1-2 minutes, rinse well, and wash again with plain shampoo.
2. Tea Tree Oil
Studies have shown that shampoos with just 5% tea tree oil can significantly decrease the severity of dandruff. You can add a few drops of tea tree oil to your favorite shampoo as you wash normally.
To treat a bad case of dandruff, wash your hair with regular shampoo, then rinse with an alcohol-based mouthwash. Follow this up with your regular conditioner. Mouthwash’s anti-fungal properties help to prevent dandruff-causing yeast from forming.
4. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is a tried and tested dandruff treatment, and it smells lovely too. Before you shower, massage 3-5 tablespoons of coconut oil into your scalp and let it sit for about an hour. You can also consider buying shampoo that already contains coconut oil.
6. Salt
The abrasiveness of table salt is great for scrubbing off dandruff flakes before you shampoo. Grab a saltshaker and shake some salt onto your dry scalp. Then work it through your hair, giving your scalp a massage. You’ll find that you’ve worked out the dry, flaky skin and are now ready for a shampoo.
8. Garlic
Garlic’s antimicrobial properties are great for eliminating dandruff-causing bacteria. Crush some garlic and rub it into your scalp. To avoid that pungent smell, mix the crushed garlic with honey and massage into the scalp before washing as usual.
Source: rd
Images: depositphotos
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