Not everyone enjoys the taste of cough syrup, and having a nasty cough that won't disappear has got to be one of the most annoying things ever. Coughing comes about not only as a result of irritation in your throat due to allergens, but also thanks to a buildup of mucus in your bronchial tubes which can lead to bronchitis, chronic cough, and dry heaving in the lungs.
If we were to tell you that there's a natural way to calm these symptoms and that it would cost nothing to your health to try it out, would you give it a go? The idea is to create a paste using honey, coconut oil, and flour. Then, you simply strap it to your chest overnight so that it can work its magic. This treatment is known as a "Honey Wrap."
What Exactly Is Wrong with Cough Syrup and Pharmaceutical Options?
Codeine sulfate is what is known as an opioid analgesic (a pain reliever) that has a whole list of common side effects such as drowsiness, dizziness, light-headedness, and sedation. These side effects can be amplified when taken with other medications which also induce sleep - as is common when trying to tackle multiple symptoms such as mucus in the lungs, sinus pressure, and allergy symptoms such as a runny or stuffy nose.
Dextromethorphan is a cough suppressant that is commonly found in over-the-counter drugs. This drug suppresses the signals to your brain that would tell you to spasm your lungs in an attempt to get rid of irritants as well as the signals that come from your throat that tells your brain to make a powerful cough from your lungs in order to push out the mucus caught in your throat.
So What Can a Honey Wrap Do for You? The Specifics
The first ingredient of interest isn't the honey, but the coconut oil. Coconut oil is high in lauric acid and therefore it's thought to dissolve the lipid coating (the protective layer around a virus) around some viruses, making them more susceptible to attacks from the immune system.
Honey, its partner in crime, has often been used orally to relieve common cold symptoms such as a sore, itchy throat and coughing fits. However, in this case, we're attempting to go straight to the source of this issue, the mucus in your lungs, by applying the mixture topically and allowing it to be absorbed into your body.
Recipe: Honey Wrap
• Raw organic honey
• Coconut oil
• Flour
• Napkin
• Adhesive medical tape
1. Mix a teaspoon of flour with some honey, and then add some warmed coconut oil.
2. Apply to a napkin, and secure it to the middle of your chest using some adhesive medical tape.
3. Leave it on overnight, or for 2-3 hours if applied to a child. You should notice some favorable results after the first treatment, but as with all natural remedies time is your friend, and it's best to do multiple treatments over the course of a week.
Source: shareably
Photos: depositphotos
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