It is vital that you report the incident to the police to establish a record and also get information for filing an insurance claim.
2. Take photos
Photos will provide additional evidence of what your home looked like following the burglary. It is possible that police photos may be incomplete, or the insurance company might need additional photos.
There is a potential that you could destroy any evidence in your home before the police arrive. So be sure to keep everything as you found it.
4. Locate pets
If you notice the door open after a burglary, you might need to locate your pets if they aren't home.
As soon as you realize that your home has been burgled, call the insurance company quickly to help guide you through documenting damage, making a list of missing items and making claims.
6. Document everything
Keep a list of what was taken and its worth. You may also want to draw pictures or let the police know of specific identification marks. Be sure to keep an extra copy for insurance purposes.
While it may be tempting to throw out damaged property out of frustrations, those items need to be documented for any possible claims.
8. Locate proof of ownership documents
Keep documents related to big purchases because it can make providing proof of ownership to insurance companies easier.
After a burglary, it may be time to take a look at security eak points in your home and what steps to take to strengthen the security. This could mean adding security cameras, additional lighting, or tougher locks to a home.
10. Let the neighbors know
Burglars are likely to strike in the same area multiple times because they have usually cased a neighborhood for some time before striking.
It's a good idea to call the bank even if you don't know if financial records were taken. You may not have realized the effects of stolen bank documents right away, but you can avoid any potential losses by changing accounts, pins and other financial information.
12. Talk to someone
A burglary will make you feel unsafe and can have a lasting effect. If you are experiencing residual effects from the burglary, be sure to speak with a professional who can help you with anxiety issues.
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