1. Facial skin
Our face is the most important part of our body in the winter - it is affected by frost, winds and temperature changes. So come summer, we need to care for it more. Instead of using intensive scrubs or any procedures that will likely harm your already exhausted skin, use homemade tonics and lotions to clean your face. To cleanse oily skin, use cornflower, parsley or rosemary. If you have dry skin, use chamomile.
2. Body skin
When temperatures drop outside, and heating increases inside, this may cause our skin to feel dry and become dehydrated. Make sure to moisturize your skin so it looks smooth and healthy whenever you wear skirts, dresses, and shorts. Alternatively, you can also use coconut oil.
3. Bikini line
Come summer, wearing a swimsuit would mean that everyone can see your bikini line. The easiest and cheapest way to get rid of hair in this area is to shave it off, however, after shaving, it can be quite itchy when the hair starts to grow back. And if you have thick or dark hair, then the black dots are almost always visible when you shave. Waxing is a better alternative which can be done every 1-2 months depending on your hair growth speed. To eliminate dark areas in your bikini line, always moisturize after showering. Special lotions to prevent ingrown hairs can also be used to help deal with the dark areas.
4. Armpits
For lighter underarms, and to slow down hair growth in this area, opt for this organic homemade whitening cream, combining the following ingredients to form a thick paste: 2 teaspoons turmeric powder, 1 teaspoon baking soda, 3 teaspoons honey, juice of 1/2 lime or lemon. Ensure that your underarms are properly cleaned before applying cream and leave on for 20 minutes to dry, then wash off. At the end, moisturize your skin.
5. Flat belly
We all thrive for that flat belly hoping that we'd look great in our swimwear come summer. To get this desired look try the 'ball exchange'. Lay on your back with your legs straight and put your arms above your head. Hold the ball above your head and move it over your chest bringing your legs up to meet the ball. Then place the ball between your ankles and bring it back to the floor while keeping your legs straight. Repeat the exercise 10 to 12 times. Just make sure that your lower back is pressed to the floor when doing the ball exchange.
6. Muffin tops
To get rid of a muffin top, proceed as follows: Lie on your back with your arms in the air and perpendicular to the floor. Bring your legs into a tabletop position at an angle of 90°. Slowly place your left arm behind your head and simultaneously straighten your right leg, making sure it doesn't touch the floor. Then, return to starting position and repeat the exercise on the other side. To see results quickly, repeat the exercise 10 times on each side.
7. Glutes
The glutes form part of a major muscle group in the body. Working on these muscles will make your bottom appear fit and will also help you lose weight faster. An effective remedy to tone your glutes is to do squats.
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