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Get Rid of Pests With These Organic Pesticides

Gardening is a hobby that brings joy to many people. However, there are some common problems that we face when tending to our garden such as pests, fungus, and unwanted weeds. These small problems can end up causing bigger troubles if not handled correctly – they can even kill all your plants.

Some of us might handle this problem by using pesticides that contain chemical compounds, but this may bring harm to the environment and the residue may stay longer than expected, bringing more harm to nature. Furthermore, the chemicals in these pesticides could also affect your health if you consume fruit and vegetables that have been sprayed. So, how can you control those annoying unwanted invaders without damaging yourself or nature?

Well, the answer to that is by using organic pesticides. There are many plants out there which have the ability to repel pests that may harm the plants in your garden. You might even have some of these plants in your backyard already. Want to know what they are? Keep reading!

Garlic and Onion
Organic Pesticides

Do you have garlic and/or onions growing in your garden? If so, you have unknowingly planted a good pesticide for the rest of your backyard. Their famous strong smell is a weapon that you can use to fight off plant-consuming slugs, snails, caterpillars, and any other creature that loves to munch on your beloved plants. Here’s how you can make yourself an organic pesticide:

1. In a blender, blend at least one whole bulb of garlic or onion with a little bit of water.
2. Let this mixture sit overnight and then strain it into a smaller bottle.

To apply it, mix the concentrate with water in a spray bottle in a ratio of 1:4. Spray this organic pesticide on infested plants to get rid of any annoying guests.

Chili Pepper
Organic Pesticides

This spice can also be used as an insect repellent. Not only does it have a strong aroma that pests are sensitive to, but the capsaicin present in it adds a burning sensation that will help you further when it comes to eradicating annoying pests. Here’s how you can make a pesticide using chili peppers:

1. Add a handful of fresh chili pepper and a cup of water to a blender.
2. Pour this mixture into a bowl of water and boil it on the stove. Let it sit overnight and then strain it into a bottle.  

To apply it, simply pour some into a spray bottle and then spray it on any infected plants. Remember to wear protection while handling it and spray it far away from your eyes, mouth, and nose.

Chrysanthemum Flowers
Organic Pesticides

Did you know that these beautiful flowers are great pesticides as well? Well, now you do and you can use it to save the rest of your garden from annoying invaders. The reason this plant makes a good pesticide is due to the presence of pyrethrum. This component affects the nervous system of insects and renders them immobile. Here’s how you can make yourself an organic pesticide:

1. Dry around 100 grams of chrysanthemum flower in the sunlight.
2. Boil the dried flowers in 1 liter of water for around 20 minutes.
3. Let it cool down, strain the solid components out, and pour into a bottle.

To apply it, simply add some to a spray bottle and spray it around your garden. It can be stored for up to two months.

 Tomato Leaf
Organic Pesticides

Another insecticide that you can find in your backyard is tomato leaf. Yes, tomato leaves contain tomatine which is harmful to some aphids. This is why you’ll never see aphids attacking tomatoes. Here’s how you can make yourself an organic pesticide:

1. Chop up two cups of tomato leaves and pour it into one quart of water.
2. Let it sit overnight and then strain the leaf.

To apply it, pour the solution into a spray bottle and spray wherever you see those annoying aphids.

Source: earthbuddies
Images: depositphotos


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