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Four Home Tests for Hair Health

Similar to wrinkles that form over time but we only notice their appearance suddenly when they become very noticeable, our hair is also affected by aging processes and various other harmful factors. To avoid an unpleasant surprise about the poor health of your hair, it is recommended to perform the following 4 tests that anyone can do at home in just a few minutes. If after these tests you discover that your hair is in urgent need of repair, at the end of the article we will also provide you with a selection of tips, treatments, and recommended foods that can help you do so.  
Hair health tests: funny picture of a woman drying her hair

1. The Follicle Test

Like many other problems, hair damage often starts at the root, and this is exactly what you will check now. Carefully pluck a hair from your head, trying to grab it as close to the base as possible to pull it out completely. Examine the root of the hair at the base of the follicle to see its shape—rounded root in the form of a bulb indicates healthy hair, whereas a thin or uneven root suggests that your hair is weak and needs treatment.
Hair health tests: illustration of a hair follicle

2. The Glass of Water Test

This test helps check the condition of your hair using a simple float test—healthy hair is relatively uniform and unaffected by water absorption, whereas damaged hair often absorbs liquids. So, to check this for yourself, pluck a small number of hairs from different areas of your scalp, such as near the forehead, above the ears on both sides, and from the top part, and place them in a glass of regular water. Healthy hair will float, while damaged or neglected hair will slowly begin to sink. 
Hair health tests: glass of water

3. The Pull Test

Don’t worry, you’re not going to pull all your hair out… To perform this test, you need to pluck a single hair from your head, hold it by both ends, and pull. Do this a few times with gradually increasing pulling force, from weak to strong. If each time you release the tension, the hair "snaps" back into shape and withstands strong pulling forces, its condition is good. On the other hand, if the hair doesn’t show elasticity after pulling or breaks easily even with weak pulling force, it's likely in trouble.
Hair health tests: pulling hair

4. The Roughness Test

Healthy hair is smooth, and to check your own hair in this regard, you can use two very accessible tools: your fingers and a magnifying glass or a smartphone. First, lift one hand to your head, and isolate a small group of hairs from the rest of the head using your fingers. Now, raise your other hand and run the group of hairs between your thumb and index finger—try doing this from the ends of the hair to the roots on the scalp. If you feel that your hair is rough, you may need to check it more closely, and for that purpose, you can use a magnifying glass or smartphone magnification apps. If a close-up reveals “broken,” uneven, or not smooth hair, it’s a sign that it is not healthy...

Hair health tests: hair under magnifying glass

What to do if you find that your hair is unhealthy?

Source of images: Stuart PilbrowAssistantartist
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