We men don't need much, we sure don't. All we need is a quiet place to call our own where we're not disturbed, and can enjoy our favorite food, movies, games and perhaps a good cigar or beer. The following are the rooms of men who had taken the time (and paid the expense) of constructing themselves a proper 'man cave' at their house - have a look and get inspired, for every man needs a cave! |
Submitted by: Jonah S.
27 Wintry Log Cabins to Escape to During the Holidays
If you've already got your dream home, chances are you haven't imagined your dream log cabin yet. Have a gawp at these 27 winter wonders.
These Are Some Really Smart Product Designs!
These products are all thoughtfully designed, with some genius ideas regarding added uses for the products.
20 Stunning Photos That'll Bring Happiness to Your Day
without saying anything, here are 20 photos that say a thousand words.
These Award Winning Photos are Truly Breathtaking!
590,000 submissions were made from more than 88,000 photographers in over 150 countries. Here are 15 of our favorite images:
These 1900s Colored Photos are the First Ever Taken
Normally, we'd expect old photos to be black and white. Here are some stunning century-old color photographs using a groundbreaking technique.
15 Bizarre Building Designs That You Don’t See Every Day
Some buildings around our planet are architectural masterpieces. These are certainly NOT some of them.
10 Simple Solutions to Removing Paint Stains From Clothes
Got paint stains on your clothes but not sure how to remove them? Here's what to do.
10 Colorful Flowers That Bloom Beautifully Even in Winter
Winter can actually be the best time to start growing beautiful and colorful flowers. Just make sure to plant these cold-hardy plants!
10 Uses for Vinegar That Even Surprised Us!
Vinegar can do many magical things! Here are 10 extremely useful things that it can be used for at home.
DIY Secrets: Make Your Own, Home-Made Ziploc Bags!
This video will teach you how to make your own home-made Ziploc bags.
Wrinkle Repair: At-Home Treatments and In-Office Procedures
In this article, we'll discuss neck and facial wrinkles and all the ways to treat them.
WATCH: 10 Microwave Tips You've Never Heard Of
These 10 tips will help you get the very best out of your microwave - replenish old food, keep it clean and simply master it!
What 1939 Thought of Fashion Today!
hilarious short video from 1939 that dares to dream about the year of 2000 AD....
SHOCKING! Con Artists Reveal Their Psychological Tricks...
This video highlights some of the most convincing psychological tactics that scammers make use of, and will help prevent you from falling for them.
Why These 8 Purchases Shouldn't Be on Installments
Using "Buy Now, Pay Later" services may not such a good idea for these items.
How to Prepare Matcha, the Healthiest Drink on the Market!
Matcha green tea is one of the healthiest drinks out there and this is how you can make it yourself.
No More Cooking Mistakes: A Handy Guide!
With this guide, you can learn how to correct common cooking and baking mistakes so that your food comes out just right!
DIY: 12 Ways to Give Your Plastic Bottles New Life
Recycling is good but did you know there are lots of other things you can do with plastic bottles? Here are 12 ideas for do-it-yourself projects to create masterpieces out of junk.
Make a Good Impression on Others In 7 Simple Steps
These 7 fail-proof ways will make a good impression on others.
Surprising Papers You Must Shred to Prevent Identity Theft
If you don't shred these seemingly harmless documents and throw them directly into the trash, you may be subject to identity theft...
Cheap and Great Tips for Removing Rust from Any Surface!
Ugly rust will become a thing of the past, using these simple methods to remove it from metal surfaces and even clothes.
So You Think You Shop Online Safely? This May Surprise You
If you shop online, you need to know how to avoid fake websites and low quality goods. For these and more online shopping tips, read this article.
We Bet You Didn't Know ChapStick Had So Many Good Uses
Did you know that ChapStick can do a lot more than heal dry lips? Here are 12 unexpected uses!
These Hidden Dangers Are Lurking in Your Cleaning Products
Household cleaning products are toxic for your health and the environment. Here are a selection of more friendly cleaners.
Shop Smart! How to Recognize Good or Poor Quality Clothes
This informative guide will explain the 5 major ways of spotting a poor and high quality garments
You're Gonna Love These 40+ Food Decor Ideas
This video will teach you some great ways to improve your food presentation.
Why Wearing Flip Flops Is a Bad Idea For Your Health
What are the worst and the best types of footwear for summer weather? Here's a complete guide to summer footwear. Enjoy!
Spruce Up Your Garden With These Brilliant DIY Ideas
This brilliant video contains 16 different DIY ideas that are perfect for any garden. What's more, they couldn't be any simpler to make!
11 Gardening Myths That MUST Be Debunked
Some erroneous gardening myths managed to spread far and wide, despite being ineffective and even harmful. Here are 11 of such common gardening myths.
How to Get the Most Out of Your Food Processor - 5 Hacks
Your food processor has so many hidden uses you never knew about!
How to Fix Holes in Your Drywall: 4 Easy Ways
This video delves into four practical methods to repair your drywall, restoring your walls to their pristine condition.
12 Sneaky Signs That Your Home Has an Infestation
Just because you cannot see pests wandering around your home, it doesn't mean that they're not there. Here's what you need to look out for.
A Few Historical Facts That Will Absolutely Shock You
These pictures have some incredibly interesting facts about the Wright Brothers, Genghis Khan and the ancient Egyptians.
4 Simple Ways to Open a Jar Lid That’s Stuck
Opening a jar can be quite tricky and sometimes seemingly impossible, really, but with these tricks, you'll be able to twist it open in no time!
Save Yourself Time and Money with These Cleaning Tips
These great cleaning tips have saved me so much time and money. They're so clever and simple you'll wonder why you haven't used them before.
If You Value Your Health, Wash These 9 Foods Well
Are you washing these 9 foods correctly? Probably not!
10 Questions You've Always Wanted the Answer To
In this post, we dive into 10 fascinating questions you've probably wondered about at some point in your life, offering clear and concise explanations to satisfy your curiosity.
How to Travel in Retirement Without Overspending - 8 Tips
Want to travel after retirement without breaking your budget? Try these tips.
Guide: How to Reduce the Risk of Accidents at Home
As you age you will find yourself spending more time at home. This guide gives you tips and ideas for making your home safe, comfortable and easy to navigate.
Here Are the Top Ten Uses for Baking Soda
This video demonstrates how to use baking soda to solve a number of daily problems!
How to Manually Repair a Hole in a Sweater and Socks
Learn how to mend the most common holes and tears in your knit sweaters and socks and even in your jeans.
Ten Things You Can Do With Sugar You Never Knew About
Sugar can do a whole lot more than just make things sweet.
15 Time-Saving Cooking Tricks to Make Your Life Easier
Try out these various food hacks that are clever and easy and are sure to change the way you eat.
Bacteria Time Bomb! 10 Household Items That Need Changing
You wouldn't believe the amount of harmful bacteria these common household items store, and what what a short lifespan they actually have!
9 Easy Ways to Ensure You Get Enough Water Each Day
Water is so important, but so many of us don't drink enough of it. Below are 9 tips that'll help you consume more water.
10 Super-Effective Tips No One Else Will Tell You About
Fix and do just about anything with the following 10 supercool tips and tricks!
Say Goodbye to Marble Stains - Cleaning Hacks That Work!
Say goodbye to those stubborn marble stains with these useful cleaning hacks.