Many people decide against using a bank and prefer to keep piles of cash hidden at home. While this gives you the benefit of having instant access to your money should you need it, having cash stashed around the house is not always safe – especially if you hide it in the following places:
The mattress has become a classic place for people to hide their money and, as a result, this is one of the first places thieves will check when they are ransacking your home.
Thieves may not look through random shopping bags for items to steal, but they might need a few to help them carry away your precious belongings. You don’t want to give the thieves another pleasant surprise do you?
Don’t store your cash in old wallets, purses or handbags. Even if you don’t use them anymore, it doesn’t mean that they are a good place to store money. After all, how are thieves to know you don’t use them anymore?
It might seem like a good idea to keep your cash in a basket full of dirty clothes – something no one really wants to touch. However, thieves sometimes use these to transport stolen goods. Just like with the shopping bags, you could be giving your thieves a pleasant surprise by hiding your money in a laundry basket.
This, like the mattress, has become another classic. This is one of the first places a thief will check – they don’t care about breaking your precious memories.
It doesn’t matter what size your safe is, it is completely useless if it can be carried. Therefore, it is a very good idea to bolt your safe down so that it's hard to move and carry.
One of the first things a thief will do when they see drawers or cabinets is to empty their contents over the floor. It will take an experienced thief less than one minute to empty a chest of drawers or a cabinet to gauge whether there’s anything worth stealing. No self-respecting thief will ignore drawers and cabinets.
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