One of the worst things about wintertime is going out to your car in the morning and finding it covered in snow or, even worse, ice. There's one thing that drives (pardon the pun) us all insane and that is frosted car windows. Since visibility is vital when driving, and since frosted windows dramatically decrease visibility, de-icing our windows isn't something that we can skip - but goodness, it's annoying. Nobody wants to do a bit of manual labor in the freezing cold every winter morning.
Luckily, there are actually three methods that can be used to quickly and effectively de-ice your car. That's right, you will no longer have to spend time scraping ice off your windscreens or waste gas by keeping the defrosters on.
If you don't have a magic mixture, you can easily defrost your car the old fashioned way - using your car settings. Here's how to defrost your windows in half the normal time:
1. Turn your heater on full blast
2. Turn your AC on
3. Turn off the inside air circulation
4. Crack open your windows
Preventing Your Car from Icing Over
Kitty litter - Fill a sock with some kitty litter and place it by your windshield overnight. This will remove moisture from the air and help prevent fogging.
Onions - May sound a bit weird, but rubbing half an onion on the outside of your windshield will prevent overnight fogging from occurring.
Source: tiphero
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