It doesn’t matter if you’re an expert at doing your own makeup or you’re just getting started, you need to know the basics. The first thing that’s important to know in makeup is how to choose the right colors, from foundation to eyeshadows, for your skin undertone. For example, if you have a pink complexion and you wear a foundation with a yellow base, no matter how much you blend your makeup will never look right. The infographic below will guide you in choosing the right colors for you.
It's important to know that while your skin tone may change between seasons, your undertone never will. Undertone is the subtle hue underneath the surface of your skin which can be cool, warm or neutral. An easy way to check for your undertone is to hold a white piece of paper next to your face, while in natural light, and see which color comes forward most. If, for example, you see yellow, then you have a warm yellow, undertone. If you see pink, then you have a cool pink undertone, if you don’t see either yellow or pink, then you have a neutral undertone. To learn more about undertone, watch professional makeup artist Wayne Goss explain in the video at the end.
Dermatologist Shares Tips on Applying Makeup to Aging Skin
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