My preference for air fresheners has always been a natural scent. Personally, I find that dousing my home in chemicals isn't what I would consider to be a welcoming scent. So, after searching far and wide for the easiest and safest ways to make my home smell sweet, I think I've happened on just the perfect tip. This brilliant idea has been shared by Youtubers, the Heathered Best, a channel that focuses on DIYs. Best part? It takes less than one minute to complete. What I love most is that this air freshener is super simple to make and it works completely on its own. In fact, no spraying or flames are involved!
What to do:
Grab an ordinary clothespin. For this to work, it must be the wooden kind. Slather some essential oil onto both the inside and the outside, up to the part that pinches. When finished, clip on your air vent. After some time you will notice the sweet-smelling air. And... it lasts.
This hack can be completed in any room, including in the car. All you have to do is douse your clothespin with the chosen oil and clip it onto your vehicle's vent. It works just like the store-bought air fresheners that are inserted into the A/C.
Choosing a scent that is right for you:
There are plenty of essential oil scents to choose from. But the below are the best scents to have in your home or car:
Lemon: This is an energizing scent and has been shown to increase productivity. If you work from home, or have a long commute to work, this essential oil is a must for you. It also has a 'masking' property - perfect for bathrooms.
Lavender: This essential oil is best known for its calming benefits. It has been a staple in aromatherapy for centuries and is one of the few that has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety. Keep this in your bedroom.
Bergamot: If you love Earl Grey tea, this scent is for you. It exudes a fresh, fruity smell without being too sweet. It is best used when you feel tired or down, making it the perfect scent for an office or home gym.
Another possibility is to mix and match, finding a scent that works best for you, particularly when there are so many scents available. Just be sure to give this hack a try! Wondering how exactly this trick works? Check out the video below:
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