1. Improve your breast shape
Not wearing a bra does not cause your breasts to sag. A long-running French study proved that most bras have the opposite effect, causing breasts to lose their shape over time. The study found that the support of bras weakens the muscles in the chest, making them droop. In order to keep your breasts round and perky, it's best to let them do their own thing. Your bra is keeping you back from having more beautiful breasts.
2. Get a better night's sleep
For some time we have known that sleeping with a bra is not ideal. There have been claims that sleeping with a bra is what causes breast cancer, though this severe consequence is highly unlikely and has never been proven true. However, it has been proven that wearing a bra to bed is more likely to cause discomfort and disturb your sleep cycle.
3. Boost your circulation
Tight clothing can have an effect on bodily circulation. Frequently wearing tight clothing, especially tight bras, can be bad for your circulation. The tightness and squeezing around your chest can slow your circulation by compressing your major blood vessels. This has been proven to create cardiovascular issues down the road.
4. Improve your breast health
The study also proved that going bra-less improves perkiness. The study also found that bras are not fatally bad for your health. This means that they are not going to cause breast cancer all on their own. There are many genetic and environmental factors at play when it comes to that. But, not wearing a bra will improve your breast health in other ways. Besides improving blood flow, sweat and dirt are no longer trapped against the skin by your tight bra.
5. Save some money
Bras are expensive, especially the nice, comfortable and stylish ones. So, no matter what amount of money you spend on a bra, consider it money saved and money earned. This pocketed money can be spent on something more important to you.
6. Strengthen your breasts
Bras prevent your chest from having to fight gravity. While you might think that without your bra your breasts would succumb to gravity and sag, quite the opposite happens when you ditch your bra. When your chest has to battle gravity, the chest muscles work harder and strengthen your breasts. This doesn't just make you stronger, it actually increases your breast size. So, in saying bye to your bra, you could gain a whole cup size.
7. Encourage healthy breast tissue
As a part of the 15-year study, scientists have found that wearing a bra may be hindering your ability to grow healthy breast tissue. Healthy breast tissue is important for many reasons as healthy tissue will decrease, but not totally prevent, your chance for various breast diseases, including breast cancer. Healthy breast tissue will also support breasts more and help breast muscles strengthen, leading to naturally larger, stronger, rounder and perkier breasts.
8. Comfort
This is likely the best reason to ditch your bra. There is no greater feeling of relief than taking off your bra after a long day.
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