It goes without saying that most of us prefer clean over dirty, but can some things be too clean? As it turns out, some of us are guilty of over-cleaning. We didn’t even know that was a thing until now, but hear us out.
First of all, when you over-clean, you’re wasting a lot of unnecessary energy, and you actually might be damaging whatever it is that you’re cleaning. Thus, once the product or surface is clean, it’s clean, and no amount of over-cleaning is going to make it cleaner.
Below are 7 items that you should spend a bit less time cleaning.
These heavy-duty pans are great for stove-to-oven meals, such as steak or frittata, but anyone who washes these with a ton of soap and water should stop right away. Dish soap can actually damage your pan and cause it to rust. So, just keep it simple with some water and a dishrag.
2. Wooden Furniture
If you use wax-based sprays to clean your wooden furniture, make sure you don’t use a lot as these can actually cause an oily substance to build up on your wood, which actually attracts more dirt. This means you’ll be cleaning way more than needed. Instead, try using a simple microfiber cloth to get rid of the dust on your wooden furniture.
3. The Mirror
We know that you want to get rid of those little fingerprints or that tiny speck of dust, but a wet mirror will actually attract more dirt. Furthermore, excessive moisture or over-spraying can get behind the mirror and damage the back of it. You only really need to wash your mirror every several months.
You don’t need to shampoo your hair every day. Washing your hair too much can actually strip it of its natural oils. Try washing it every other day instead, and soon enough you’ll see how your hair doesn’t need to be cleaned regularly.
5. Dishes
Do you soak or pre-wash your dishes before putting them in the dishwasher? If so, you’re guilty of over-washing. Your dishes don’t actually require a load of soap to clean them, so it’s best just to clean them once – unless they have had super sticky substances on them.
6. Your Car
If you ever notice that your car wax doesn’t last long or you spot some small cracks, you might be over-washing your vehicle as these are sure signs of excessive cleaning. Furthermore, washing a car too much can result in it looking duller. Wash your car one to two times a month.
7. Jeans
This might sound a bit gross, but the less you wash your jeans, the better. Steaming them might actually be the better way to go about freshening up your jeans instead of throwing them in the washing machine. You can also try putting your jeans in a baggie and putting them in the freezer for a little freshening up.
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