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Activities that Can Damage Your Spine

The spine is literally the backbone of the body. Yet, how well do we take care of our back? Here's a list of everyday activities that harm your spine. Which of the below chores are you guilty of doing badly? 
1. Brushing your teeth
chores that damage spine

Standing puts pressure on the spine, more so than during a long walk. So, if you stand for a couple of hours each day, find a way to mitigate the harmful influence on your spine. 

What to do: When brushing your teeth, lean your free hand on the wall or the sink to alleviate the pressure of standing. 

2. Doing the dishes 
chores that damage spine

Often, when washing up we tend to stand in a half-bent position with strained arms. Consequently, the intervertebral discs of the thoracic area of the spine wear out quickly, leading to pain between the shoulder blades.

What to do: Keep your spine straight while washing the dishes and put a chair or a stool under your knee when you wash up to help lower the pressure. 

3. Changing a car wheel
chores that damage spine

Changing a car wheel can be challenging for some and puts a lot of pressure on the spine if done incorrectly, causing a pain in the back for the rest of the day.

What to do: Rather than bending over the wheel, sit on the ground next to it so that your eyes are at the same level as the car's fender. 

4. Carrying bags from the supermarket
chores that damage spine

When heading to the supermarket, be sure to take more than one bag with you. For the sake of your spine, never skimp on a second bag. 

What to do: Heavy objects should be lifted with your knees bent. For women, this would mean lifting anything above 2kg and for men, anything above 5kg. 

5. Washing the floor
chores that damage spine

While we may not clean our homes every day, just doing so once a week can have an impact on our spines. Strained legs and back and active arm movements while cleaning can affect our spine.

What to do: To lighten the load on your spine, don't wash the floor on your knees. Use a mop instead. 

6. Lacing up your shoes
chores that damage spine

Whatever we do in a crouched posture has an impact on our intervertebral discs. If constant pressure is applied to your spine, pressing and jabbing pains may occur. It is therefore crucial to monitor the sensations in the spine throughout the day.

What to do: When lacing your shoes, sit on a chair and pull your leg up or kneel down. Avoid leaning over from a standing position. 

7. Carrying a backpack
chores that damage spine

Backpacks can get pretty heavy, but heaviness as well as incorrect carrying can have a negative impact on the spine.

What to do: Backpacks have two straps for a reason. To distribute the load evenly use them both. Opt for backpacks with wider and softer straps. They provide better shock absorption and reduce the pressure on the neck and the spine. 

8. Reaching for heavy objects
chores that damage spine

When you reach up for something your spine stretches. But, when you add the weight of a suitcase to your stretched spinal discs, this can wreck havoc on your spine. 

What to do: Use a chair, reducing the pressure on your spine to a minimum and ideally, when reaching for a heavy object it should be at the level of your chest. 


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