This treatment only requires two ingredients, vinegar and olive oil.
1. Dip a rag in the mixture and rub it on the wooden surface.
2. Apply lots of elbow grease, using all the liquid, making sure to cover the entire surface.
3. Let the formula do its magic, letting it soak for several hours. Afterwards wipe off any excess oil.
4. Some might not appreciate the strong smell of vinegar. You can mask it by adding essential oils to the mix.
How it works
Vinegar is acidic enough to cut through all the dirt and cleaners clogging the scratches and scuffs.
The vinegar strips the dirt and oils while the olive oil seeps into the tears and scratches, giving the wood the moisture it needs, and helping to repair the color
For darker woods, you might consider replacing the white vinegar with apple cider vinegar, which has more naturally occurring tannins. This can help repair the decolorization that appears in some of the scratches.
Alternatively adding ground coffee to the mixture can also help with decolorization for darker woods.
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