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A Fantastic DIY Solution For Your Bathtub

Raise your hand if you enjoy cleaning your bathroom! No takers? Okay, let's get a bit more specific: What about cleaning your bathtub? Yeah... Didn't think so either! 
Getting down on your hands and knees to scour disgusting grime off of a bathtub isn't at the top of our fun list either. This is why we have decided to share with you a DIY solution from cleaning guru Melissa Maker that works so well that only a tiny bit of scrubbing is required. Let's see how it works!
DIY Solution For Your Bathtub

Before revealing her method, Melissa first talks about the nasty substances that are probably sticking to your bathtub right now. She mentions both hair and soap scum, which is described as "a slurry of dead skin cells, dirt from your body, oil from your body, oil from your products, and all the remnants that come out of soap and shampoo."

This filth is not only cringe-worthy, but it can also permanently stain your surfaces if left untreated. It can also make you more susceptible to illnesses such as urinary tract infections. 

So, now that you're probably leaning over your tub with cleaning gloves in hand, why don't we get down to the nitty-gritty of this fantastic bathroom hack?

Disclaimer: We want to make it perfectly clear that this hack is only approved for enamel surfaces. There are a wide range of different materials used for making tubs such as fiber glass and cast iron, which tend to be more delicate than enamel. Double check your tub before proceeding. 

To make this cheap and effective cleaning concoction of your own, gather together these ingredients: 

DIY Solution For Your Bathtub

- Baking soda
- Dish soap
- Essential oil of your choice (we prefer lemon or orange for this one)


1. Combine equal parts baking soda and dish soap (about 1/4 cup each) into a mixing bowl. 
2. Add approximately 10 drops of essential oil, then stir together. 

N.B. This mixture doesn't keep for very long, so be sure to make only enough for what you need. 

Now, don't start thinking that you can just slap this mixture on and go about your day. This solution does break down scum a lot quicker than many store-bought options, but there is a specific method that you must follow. 

To learn how to apply this heaven-sent cleaning solution to your tub properly, check out Melissa's video below. 


Source: tiphero
Images: depositphotos


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