It's always fun when there are beautiful flowers in the house, which we enjoy proudly displaying in a vase in the living room, but what do you do when the flowers just don’t sit right and go off in all different directions? To help you solve this problem, the following guide will teach you the simplest and best way to arrange your flowers, so that even small bouquets will look great in any vase you use. All you need is a dry cloth, a pair of scissors, and regular scotch tape. Read on and discover the secret to the perfect flower arrangement!
First, fill your vase with water to the desired height. If you want to keep your water fresh, you can also add some bleach.
Take a dry cloth or paper towel and wipe the sides of the vase inside and out.
Now take your tape, transparent is best but not mandatory, and tape along the opening of the vase at the center. This will split the mouth of the vase in two.
Tape 2 more strips on either side of the first, so that four rows of open space are created. The larger the vase, or the fewer the flowers, the more strips of tape are needed.
Now turn the vase 180 degrees and repeat the taping process with the same number of strips, so that it forms a checkered pattern (as seen in the picture below).
Your “net” must be stretched but not overstretched, so it will still allow the flowers to disperse in the area allotted to them without seeming too stiff.
Now trim the lower part of your flowers’ stems with scissors or shears. The desired length of the flowers varies according to the type of flowers and vase used, but the general intention is that the flower itself should be close to the rim of the vase.
Place one or two flowers in each "square", depending on the number of flowers and the size of your vase. Make sure to arrange them so that they bend in the direction of the rim, like rays of sunlight coming out of its center.
Here’s the difference between a scattered and a neat vase, after only 2 minutes of work. Try this trick and you’ll see how much better your vased bouquets look.
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