This includes wipes that are labeled as 'flushable'. Wipes can cause clogs over time and are horrible for septic systems. Because they don't easily break down, they trigger crises in sewer systems across the country, causing millions of dollars in equipment damage.
2. Feminine Hygiene Products
Within every public restroom, you will likely find a sign telling you not dispose of feminine hygiene products in the toilet. This includes both sanitary pads and tampons which make for the most notorious clogs.
While it can be tempting to throw paper towels in the toilet, doing so will give cause you nothing but trouble. Paper towels are made with materials that are much more durable than toilet paper and don't break down fast enough to be flushed safely.
4. Condoms
Just like the other items on this list, condoms can cause a lot of problems in the sewage system. The latex used in condoms are made to withstand fluid and pressure so they won't simply dissolve on their own when tossed down the toilet.
Diapers that come equipped with flushable inserts should never be disposed of in the toilet. Even one can cause a flooded bathroom of epic proportions.
6. Cotton Swabs
Cotton swabs may seem tiny enough to pass through most drains. These cleaning tools do have a tendency of getting lodged very easily, however. When you are done from cleaning your ears, throw the Q-tips in the trash.
While it may seem logical to scoop cat poop into the toilet, where the waste goes, flushing cat feces is bad for the drains and environment. The kitty litter will expand when mixed with water making it hard to move through plumbing. Furthermore, the poop itself is known to spread harmful bacteria in oceans and rivers.
8. Hair
If you tend to shed a lot of hair and you throw it into the toilet, don't! Hair builds up and causes clogs in the shower - the exact same thing is true for the toilet.
Don't Like Eggs? Here are Five Fantastic Replacements
What substitutes can you use for eggs? Here are 5 other things you can use for eggs.
For Healthy Looking Skin, Do You Need Collagen?
If you've got saggy, wrinkly skin, here's how you can increase your collagen intake.
DON'T Remove Deodorant Stains With Bleach, Here's Why
Avoid a laundry bleach disaster with this short guide.
These Cosmetic Products are Cheap to Make & Chemical Free
Ready-made cosmetics may be convenient, but not only are they expensive, they tend to contain toxic products. Here are 8 products you can prepare yourself.
These Natural Solutions Will Help Maintain Hair Dye
Looking to dye your hair? Refrain from using chemicals and try these natural remedies instead.
Bored of the Outlet Covers? Here's How to Paint Them Well
In this article, we'll learn how to paint and wallpaper plastic or metal outlet covers effectively and professionally.
Avoid These Common Thanksgiving Turkey Mistakes This Year
Cooking a turkey this Thanksgiving ? Don’t make these mistakes!
10 Grocery Items That Drain Your Wallet
You could be wasting a lot of money at the grocery store!
11 Genius Peanut Butter Life Hacks You Need To Know
Did you know you can use peanut butter as a leather cleaner?
You Don’t Need a Garden to Grow Fruits & Vegetables!
Why not grow your own produce in your own home?
How to Train Your Cat to Shake Your Hand (and More)
Learn how to teach your cats a simple handshake trick and find out a few other tips for living peacefully with your cats.
10 Quick and Simple Home Security Life Hacks!
This video will teach you how to close those little holes and be vigilant in your house.
12 Sneaky Signs That Your Home Has an Infestation
Just because you cannot see pests wandering around your home, it doesn't mean that they're not there. Here's what you need to look out for.
8 Best Ways to Handle Those Who Constantly Pull You Down
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12 Surprising Ways to Use Your Box Grater
Did you know your box grater had such unique uses?
Vodka Has Many More Uses Than You Ever Imagined!
Vodka is not just for use when you need a drink. Here are 16 uses for the Russian beverage that you've undoubtedly never thought of.
Spectacular Potted Plants At Home Take Just 11 Easy Steps!
Plants are both beneficial to our health and make our homes look better. Here are 11 easy steps to having fabulous potted plants in your home.
Make Your Garden As Beautiful as Can be With Epsom Salts
Epsom salts are highly rich in nutrients, and this means that they're great for helping flowers and trees to grow beautifully and healthily. Read these 15 tips.
Washing Fruits and Veggies: Here's What You’re Doing Wrong
Don't make these mistakes the next time you wash your fruits and vegetables.
This Ultimate Lawn Guide Says Everything You Need to Mow
This lawn cutting guide will really help you get one up on the Joneses. Pretty soon your garden will be the talk of the town.
Surprising Papers You Must Shred to Prevent Identity Theft
If you don't shred these seemingly harmless documents and throw them directly into the trash, you may be subject to identity theft...
Learn About 12 Popular Spices in Their Natural Form
We've gathered 12 very common spices and included photos showing them as plants blooming in nature.
10 Handy Cleaning Tips Every Pet Owner Will Appreciate
If your pets wreak havoc in your home and you're tired of the bad smells, scratched furniture, and dirt they cause, try some of these tried and true tips!
Guide: Remove All Urine Stains and Smells with Ease
Whether your problem is on the floor, the furniture or worse, the bed, here's what you need to do.
These Cuts of Meat Aren't Popular, But They're Tasty!
Instead of tossing away all those meat parts that aren’t specifically called for in the recipe you’re following, save yourself some money and cook them up!
Everybody Should Know How to Tie These 9 Knots
Knowing how to tie different kinds of knots is a very useful and important skill. Learn how to tie these 9 most common knots with this video tutorial.
These Body Language Tricks Will Make You Seem Confident
Use These body language tricks to help you appear more confident in a social gathering.
How to Make Your Own Beautiful Cold-Porcelain
This rose, and all these ornaments look incredible - but did you know they are made from cold-porcelain, which you can make yourself? Check out this recipe.
10 Hair Myths That Are Damaging Your Hair
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Can't Name that Color? Just Use Our Handy Color Guide...
No more arguing about what color it is, from now on you have all the colors at your fingertips...
The Dirtiest Places In Your Home Will Surprise You
Bacteria can proliferate ad infinitum in the most unexpected places in the home. Forget the toilet, here's the low-down on the dirtiest things in your home.
Neglecting to Clean These Items Can Be DANGEROUS
These items in your home have to be cleaned regularly. Otherwise, they can become a real fire hazard!
20 Foods That Help You Lose Belly Fat
Keep this list of 20 foods that fight belly fat future aid in your weight loss.
WAIT! Don't Throw Out Your Old Food Just Yet...
Whether you're a penny-pincher or just don't like wasting food, these 16 tips will show you what you can do with food you used to throw away.
These Common Habits Make Our Anxiety Worse
Experts believe that certain attitudes and habits are amplifying your stress levels.
DIY: 12 Ways to Give Your Plastic Bottles New Life
Recycling is good but did you know there are lots of other things you can do with plastic bottles? Here are 12 ideas for do-it-yourself projects to create masterpieces out of junk.
Make EASY Natural Beeswax Polish At Home!
Watch this video to learn how to make beeswax furniture polish at home.
10 Reasons Why Your Nonstick Cookware Is SO Short-Lasting
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Suffer From Sweaty Armpits? This Is What You Need to Do
If you get sweaty armpits, be sure to follow this deodorant advice.
If You Have a Mouse Problem, This is How to Get Rid of It
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Ten Genius Christmas Life Hacks You Surely Never Thought Of
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Did You Know You Shouldn't Store These Foods in the Fridge?
Contrary to popular belief, these 10 foods shouldn't be stored in the refrigerator for a variety of reasons. Read this post to find out more.
Cola Has Many Surprising Uses Other Than Drinking It
Cola may be a popular drink, but here are 19 other ways you can use it.
7 Unique Bathroom Cleaning Tips You Really Need to Know!
We bet you didn't know that you can use black tea, vinegar & even your vacuum cleaner to make your bathroom cleaner than ever before!
A Super-Quick & Easy Method For Removing Labels From Jars
If you use jars for storage, here's the quickest and easiest way of removing pesky brand labels from them. Two ingredients and a few minutes are all you need.
Quick Tip: Clean the Gunk Out of Your Kitchen Cupboards!
A quick tutorial that teaches how to clean your kitchen cupboards without damaging them.
Choose the Healthiest Breakfast Cereal With These Tips
Choose the healthiest breakfast cereal with these tips.