Of all the kitchenware we own, it's our silverware that's normally the most highly-prized. Regardless of whether it's a fancy serving set we purchased with our savings or a piece that’s been passed down to us from generation to generation in our family, we want to keep our silverware clean and shiny. Unfortunately that's often easier said than done, because it's bound to get dirty and suffer wear and tear if we use it for serving meals. If your silverware has lost its luster, don't fret - these 8 great methods will help to make them sparkle once again:
Cornstarch can serve as an excellent foundation for cleaning your silverware. Mix together an equal amount of water and cornstarch until you create a thick paste, apply it to a dry, soft cloth and gently wipe the silver you want to clean. Allow the silver to dry and then lightly rub it with a rough towel. If you don’t have cornstarch, you can also use cream of tartar in the exact same method to achieve the goal.
The gel-textured alcohol can clean things other than just our hands, such as our precious silverware. All you need is to place a bit on a soft cloth and use it to rub out the dirt and polish your silverware.
Lemon-flavored soda is not only a thirst quenching drink for hot days, but it also happens to be excellent at cleaning silverware. Simply dip the silver in a bowl filled with lemon soda and let it sit for 1 hour then remove, rinse thoroughly and leave to dry. You'll see how the silver's radiance has returned as soon as it finishes drying.
This is proof that you don’t really need much to clean your silverware thoroughly. All you need here is plain toothpaste that you can find in any home, and you have an excellent means of quick and easy polishing. Apply some toothpaste to a soft cloth and rub the silver with it. The shine that’s created immediately afterward is just like the shine those toothpaste commercials promise.
What does messy chalk have to do with our clean, elegant silverware? You'll be surprised to learn that simple chalk have the power to keep the shine and sparkle of your silverware when stored with it. This is really quite simple - place a few pieces of chalk in the drawer, in the box or cabinet where you store your silverware, and they will add moisture and prevent them from getting dirty, dusty and worn out.
Beyond its use as a cooking ingredient, vinegar also has a number of properties that help to clean a variety of objects. You can do the following: Take half a cup of white vinegar, mix 2 tablespoons of baking soda and put your silver in for about two to three hours. Then remove, rinse in cold water, dry thoroughly, and marvel at the sparkle that has returned your silverware to its former glory.
Sometimes a simple solution like a little water with a little lemon juice and powdered milk can do the job and restore that sparkle and shine that you missed so much. Your silverware will just sparkle after being left overnight in a mixture consisting of 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 1 ½ cups water, and ½ a cup of powdered milk. In the morning, rub the silverware gently and see the sparkle.
Shine for hair or shine for silver? In terms of conditioner, it doesn’t matter - it can do both. So if you want to remove grime, dirt, and dust from your silverware and make it shine again, apply some conditioner to a damp cloth, rub the silver and see the results before your eyes.
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