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8 Foods That'll Help Keep You Full

It’s well known that it’s best to have 3-5 small meals a day, but due to tight schedule, and other circumstances, not many of us can follow this advice. Thankfully, there are a number of foods out there that will help keep you full for longer. Below are 8 such foods.
Pesto Pasta
8 Foods to Keep You Feeling Full
Whole wheat pasta is slow-digesting carbohydrate, so it will give you energy for many hours to come. Cheese and pine nuts, the two main ingredients of pesto sauce, only serve to strengthen this effect.
8 Foods to Keep You Feeling Full
This is good news for those of us with a sweet tooth. Some desserts can help you control hunger for longer, and a brownie is a fine example of this. You can thank the stearic acid in the dark chocolate for that.


8 Foods to Keep You Feeling Full
Thanks to their high fiber content, raspberries can keep you feeling full for 5-6 hours. Furthermore, their vitamin C content supports the protein synthesis that is responsible for fat burning. These truly are a magical fruit.
8 Foods to Keep You Feeling Full
This is another food product that helps you stay fuller for longer, while also helping you to lose a few extra inches around your waist at the same time. Seaweed contains dietary fiber that slows down digestion, making you feel satiated for longer. Consume seaweed as an independent dish or in combination with Japanese sushi rolls.
8 Foods to Keep You Feeling Full
Scientists have recently found that popcorn is actually good for you. This low-calorie healthy snack contains anticarcinogens and reduces hunger for longer. Now you have a great excuse to grab a tub of popcorn at the movies!
Goat Cheese Sandwiches
8 Foods to Keep You Feeling Full

Soft cheese contains linoleic acid which brings about a quick and prolonged feeling of fullness. Furthermore, goats cheese contains very little salt, which helps prevent dehydration. When you’re dehydrated, your body tricks you into believing that you need to eat.

Chili Sauce
8 Foods to Keep You Feeling Full
It’s worth mentioning that any spices added to a dish will help curb your appetite. The famous chili pepper is a record holder: not only does it help to reduce hunger, but it also burns fat.
Pine Nuts
8 Foods to Keep You Feeling Full
A small pine nut contains amino acids, manganese, copper, zinc, carbohydrates, iodine, cobalt, and vitamins A, E, and K. If after a meal, you’re afraid that you’ll be hungry again soon, just make sure you have a handful of pine nuts handy. A handful of these nuts will help you forget all about food for a few hours.
Source: brightside
Images: pixabay
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